January 05, 2005

Keira Knightley starring in The Jacket

KeiraKnightley.jpgI haven't heard anything about this movie until now, and the write up from JoBlo sounds very intriguing:

It's something like a guy is arrested for the murder of a cop and sentenced to a mental hospital where a doctor gives him a radical new treatment. That includes being injected with drugs, locked in a straight jacket and held in the body drawer of a morgue for observation. OK remind me not to go to that doctor for my physical. Anyway, while in this drugged state, the man skips ahead to the future where he meets a woman (Knightley) and discovers he's destined to die in four days. So they set out to stop his death from happening.

Even Mike says he hadn't heard that much about it before and it has him confused. IMDB give us the really helpful write up:

A military veteran goes on a journey into the future, where he can foresee his death and is left with questions that could save his life and those he loves.

Cheers for that, the JoBlo blurb makes it sound far more interesting. This chopped up version of the cast and crew list makes for quite an eclectic mix:

Adrien Brody - Jack Starks
Keira Knightley - Jackie
Daniel Craig - Mackenzie
Fish - Yes, from Marillion the 80's band!
Kris Kristofferson - Dr. Becker
Jennifer Jason Leigh - Dr. Lorenson
Kelly Lynch - Jean

George Clooney - Executive Producer, Producer
Steven Soderbergh - Producer

Head over to Cinemovies for some nice gallery shots if you are so inclined.

Much like Mike, I find it all very confusing and I agree, it does sound like the point. A confusing but very interesting movie. More details as we find them.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 5, 2005 04:46 AM


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