January 27, 2005

Jennifer Garner says Elektra is Awful

Most of us are still trying to repair the mental damage suffered from watching Elektra. The question I keep asking myself is "Oh my sweet Jennifer... what the hell where you thinking?!?!"

Well the answer came today. Mark brought it to my attention in the comments section earlier, and the IMDB provides the tough truth of the situation:

Jennifer Garner has declared her latest movie Elektra "awful" - according to her ex-boyfriend Michael Vartan. Us Weekly reports that Vartan, who briefly dated his Alias costar in 2003, still maintains a friendship with Garner, who reportedly told him her Daredevil spin-off wasn't her proudest piece of work. In an interview with the publication, Vartan is quoted as saying, "I heard (Elektra) was awful. (Jennifer) called me and told me it was awful. She had to do it because of Daredevil. It was in her contract."
Well, I guess we shouldn't be surprises by the fact that she was contractually obligated to do the film. Still, I'm amazed some highly paid studio executive read the script to this pile of junk and said "Yeah! This sounds Great!! Here's 79 million bucks... go make this puppy! It'll make us all richer!" No it won't.

Posted by John Campea at January 27, 2005 07:03 AM


Finally... that's great news actually because if she'd have said it was cool, then my all consuming lust for her might have waned, probably not but hey at least she can smell a turkey when her head is up one /interesting mental image...
Don't suppose she's contractually obliged to make 'rubber fetish girl vs the attack of the kylie clones' ... alas.

Posted by: Dark Matt at January 27, 2005 07:29 AM

you know, i am not so sure she should of said that.

i know if i was the exec signing her cheque, that would really piss me off as the film is still in theaters.

she is getting paid a lot of money to do a simple job, she should do the job and smile and say her film is the best ever.

it is one thing to say 5 years down the line, yeah it was crap. It is quite another when your studio is trying to recoup losses.

Posted by: miles at January 27, 2005 08:46 AM

She never actually said it out loud though. Someone else is quoting her, which in my book is hearsay! Granted the film executives will not be too happy, but at the end of the day, she hasn't technically done a lot wrong. Im sure at one point we have all slagged off our employers / managers, behind their backs. Whats the difference with this?

Posted by: David Terry at January 27, 2005 09:22 AM

Still in theaters? Maybe the dollar movies. I went to see House of Flying Daggers last night and Elektra was gone.

Posted by: Bombadil at January 27, 2005 12:54 PM

well, maybe her costar should of kept his mouth shut. none of it sounds very professional to me.

and as for you bombadil, you lucky bastard, you get house of flying daggers while my theater is still showing elektra. then you dare to disagree with me?!?


Posted by: miles at January 27, 2005 01:39 PM

I had heard before this that she wept when she read the script for the movie; she really didn't wanna do it. It was that bad.

Sad, a contract's a contract.

Posted by: evergreen at January 28, 2005 01:46 AM

Poor jen. Im surprised she was able to keep her mouth closed this long. The movie was so bad. There are some things that you just can't lie about. I think she should just stick to TV.

Posted by: Chris at January 28, 2005 07:19 AM

I am intrigued to know if such thing is specified in the contract; that the actors must at all time give a positive comment on a film in his first weeks of release. John, I don't know if you see this delicious lass on a regular basis, but maybe you can find this out for us.

Personally, I think an actor should say straight-forward what he thinks about the film. If he doesn't like it, it should be his choice to say so. This maybe his only chance to save face. Because, in the long run, he has more in stake than an executive - whom nobody knows anyway. An executive can pile up crap without ever blinking, while an actor is one of the front-people of a film production. If it is crap, people will remember it. And everybody knows what happened with Sharon Stone, who continued smiling on all her B-movies. It�s their responsibility and their right as artists to say what they think. It is their credibility who is in question and I can only have more respect for those who say what they think needs to be said.

Secondly, what is this silly recurring comment that she needs to shut up because she is getting paid well and doesn�t need to do anything. (1) Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get to the top (2) Do you know how hard it is to stay on the top � you won�t be their long if you have no talent and if you don�t work (3) Do you have any idea what it takes to make a film production as an actor � it is not what you see in MTV � Making a Movie. Blame the system for being too expensive, but don�t go throwing the filth at actors because they are the ones in front of the camera. (4) It is a very risky business. One day you can be a �star�, the next day people don�t even remember your name � only the bad movies in which you played and maliciously �smiled for� at press conferences.

Posted by: Darko at January 30, 2005 05:45 PM

The expectation level of the movie was to high, which made Elektra awful. Not saying it is bad though, but the fact that her external beauty sparkles the eyes of everyone I assume plays abig role in the amount of people that are going to watch it. It is true that is disapointed me as many others, but she's gorgious.

Posted by: _ at January 30, 2005 11:19 PM

I went into this movie expecting it to suck but little did i know how hard it sucked. Pretty damn hard. This movie attemtps to bring some emotion into it. The whole deamons thing basicly ruined any chances of this movie doing any good. The whole mini-elektra thing was cute but what was with that bead glowing thing she used to fight. Overall the Action sucked, storyline sucked, and for all those people who havent seen it dont it will save you a few bucks. I give it a 1/5... at least they tried.

Posted by: Shawn at February 1, 2005 11:00 AM

She's ugly and so is her acting. I hope she quits her "career" and goes back to having sex with her dad on the farm.

Posted by: Jo at April 7, 2005 08:23 PM

Jennifer Garner sucks. Her "career" is a joke because Alias, Daredevil, 13 Going On 30, and Elektra are all extremely stupid and not entertaining at all. In spite of the studios' efforts I just don't buy her as a "badass". She should have stayed in West Virginia.

Posted by: Anne at April 10, 2005 01:45 AM

Personally i think Jennifer Garner is awesome and i dont care what yall say. I would like to know y yall think she is a bad actress. Email me with your comments please.... up to it alll... [email protected]...

Posted by: JJJJamie at May 6, 2005 11:36 AM

I must agree with you when you say that Elektra wasn't very good. i was pretty disappointed. but jeniffer garner is a very talented actress and she does very hard work. and what someone mentioned about her going back to WV and just having sex on the farm with her dad was TOTALLY inappropriate. how anyone can think that jennifer garner is ugly is way beyond me.

Posted by: freelancer at June 6, 2005 12:10 AM

Sure it wasn't the greatest movie but it was still a smart move by FOX. They got alot richer. It had a decent opening weekend and it is really marketable overseas. If you go on imdb and check company credits there are tons of distribution companies associated with it. I'm currently in Italy right now and in gas stations I stop at there are HUGE displays for the elektra dvd that are half empty.

Posted by: donniemiller at June 13, 2005 07:53 PM

What are you ppl on, Elektra wasn't that bad of a movie and Jen, can never sux, even if she had to do Alice in wonderland!!!

But we need assholes like you ppl, cause otherwise this otherwise the positive would outway

Posted by: DFDS at August 9, 2005 12:41 AM

I saw the movie and I liked it.You have to remember that this is a COMIC BOOK STORY not REALITY..If you want to see REALITY WATCH CNN..I think Jen is very beautiful and STUNNING.She is very talented and does most of her own STUNTS.I have been watching her show for a long time and to me it is ENTERTAINING...

Posted by: Vince at August 18, 2005 12:08 AM

Ladies & Gents, this is Jennifer's cousin, and the movie sucked big time. The stupid lesbo sick thing in this movie was a stupid idea, it was sick. Any movie that does not point to straight things, sucks. They just totally messed up the movie. Either go straight all the way, or just don't make the movie. The movie might be renamed to Suckeltra, because it sucks soo much.

Posted by: Jennifer's cousin at September 7, 2005 06:45 PM

I think Garner is kind of ugly too-- she's just weird looking. The cover of Elektra for example... http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hc&id;=1800338890&cf;=pg&photoid;=554675&intl;=us

I think it's her bugged-out eyes. Her face looks more like a man to me.

Posted by: Brian at September 18, 2005 04:14 AM