January 04, 2005

Incredible non-US Box Office figures to end of 2004

Pounds.jpgNew Years weekend was exceedingly dull for Box Office takings according to Reuters through this Yahoo news story, although the days following began picking up. What is interesting from the article are the totals for movies so far. Now they state foreign Box Office takings but have conveniently converted all the takings figures to US dollars, now I would assume this to be non-US, so what of the figures?

Well before I list them, there's an important part that both Reuters and Yahoo have forgotten to include, their non-US release dates. So I've added them in to give a fairer indication of where they are with their earnings, and that makes it a bit more interesting.

The Incredibles (Nov-Dec): $274.9 million
Ocean's Twelve (Dec-Feb): $107.3 million
Polar Express (Nov-Dec): $101.7 million
National Treasure (Dec-Jan): $70 million
Alexander (Nov-Jan): $43.5 million

It's interesting with roughly the same release dates that Polar Express has taken less than half of The Incredibles. Personally I thought that would be a lot less!! Look at Alexander though, and Europe was going to be the saviour of this film according to Stone. No matter, it could just be that it hasn't been released in the whole of Europe as yet. (Insert long pause).

Posted by at January 4, 2005 04:17 AM