January 27, 2005

Hide and Seek Reviews

HideAndSeekPoster.jpgRobert De Niro's career has totally been in the crapper the last few years. I count 6 totally horrible films in a row. He really needs a good one. Unfortunetly, it doesn't look like Hide and Seek is it.

The reviews for this film aren't the worst I've seen this week, and there are even a couple of positive ones... but for they most part the critics don't seems to like it. They don't HATE it... but it's negative nonetheless. Anyway, here's what some of the critics have to say:

"ALMOST a good movie. Of course, that close call with competence is averted with an ending that gets worse and worse as it drags on and on"
-- Willie Waffle, WAFFLEMOVIES.COM

"Another movie in which rich white people who don’t seem to have or need jobs move to a mansion in the country to be terrorized by a mysterious, faceless, evil."
-- Joshua Tyler, CINEMABLEND.COM

"Though it's not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, Hide and Seek does manage to hold the viewers interest throughout..."
-- David Nusair, REEL FILM REVIEWS

"An absorbing mystery-thriller for its first hour ... until it races off the tracks toward a dumb, albeit predictable, twist ending."
-- Dustin Putman, THEMOVIEBOY.COM

Oh well... looks lke strike 7 for De Niro. This guy needs to take some lessons on how to pick a winning script... because he seems to have forgotten. He's got way too much talent to throw away on films like City By The Sea, 15 Minutes, Showtime and now this.

Posted by John Campea at January 27, 2005 10:58 PM


Why oh why does de Niro continaully involve himself in sub-standard films. I dont so much mind when he does the comedy (Meet the Parents etc) because these are throw away stupid films that are meant to be stupid. He has under his belt some of the greatest films and acting performance's in movie history, he has friends and admires in all the right places, he has huge amounts of money so surely he could pick the cream roles and the cream films to be involved in. I know alot of the sub-standard films he has appeared in have been one's that have been produced by his own production company. He puts himself in them so they get the financing and publicity to get made. Surely even then he could be more chooser with the roles he produces!

Posted by: David Terry at January 28, 2005 03:30 AM

Overall it was a decent movie. The movie started out good but it seemed to drag along, pointlessly until the end. Where it seemed to speed up and go to fast. at times even confusing. Dakota Fanning did a wonderful job for a 10 year old actress..This movie isnt a TOTAL waste of time but nothing special.

Posted by: Jessica at January 29, 2005 05:21 PM

I thought this movie was pretty interesting, it kept me wondering through out it. However, this movie is not scary at all, and tries to jump you with pauses and sudden music. The ending can be found to be like Secret Window, and, personally, I believe it damages what was turning into an interesting movie. The movie isnt all bad, just the ending, but it still isnt the greatest.

Posted by: Kayla at January 30, 2005 01:23 PM

this movie was like rubber eggnog with a side order of cheese. it was a flapjack of a christmas tree and i ate it like salad.

Posted by: frankenstein at January 30, 2005 04:17 PM

Well I disagree with frankenstien because i thought it was more like some ketchup on a pickle on a friday evening while seeing the boogeyman in your sleep while having a screamin orgy.

Posted by: Joe Mama at January 30, 2005 04:25 PM

Please I beg of you see this movie. I can promise you its gonna be alot better than alone in the dark.

Posted by: Jeff at January 30, 2005 09:22 PM


Posted by: Joe Mama at January 30, 2005 11:02 PM

seriously, what the hell was that? I'm still trying to figure it out. I feel like the sequel will bring it all together. Definetly wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Posted by: Brandy at January 31, 2005 12:09 AM

I didnt understand this movie.. was rovert deniro also charlie? and if so , did he have multiple personalities? why didnt the leetle girl notice that sharlie looked alot like his dad? and whats with the drawing at the end ? oh and vote for me!

Posted by: Pedro de Idaho at February 2, 2005 10:59 PM

This movie was ok. The movie was kinda predictable and the ending is not that good....and i guess the lil girl had that traumatizing experience they kept talking about and she then got the multiple personality thingy

Posted by: torey at February 4, 2005 11:37 PM

I watched it, trying to block out the reviews I had read beforehand, since many seemed unfavorable. It wasn't bad, just not great... not scary. Was it a thriller? I suppose. There were tense moments, but nothing that really popped.

It's a tired formula, as mentioned earlier. Why do wealthy people who seemingly have no job, move into a large (sometimes creepy) house in the most remote area they can find after a traumatic event, then stay when things start to get strange or scary?

Deniro is simply excellent, as always. Elizabeth Shue looked hot, as always. Famke Janssens role could have been filled by any mediocre actress. Dakota Fanning is defintely the standout actress in this movie. This little girl gets better and better everytime I see her in a new role.

Posted by: Mr. Wright at February 5, 2005 08:08 AM

Man..anybody that has anything good to say about this movie is liar or is on deniros payroll..the story line was trash..the ending was so horrible I almost walked out...I can't believe I paid to see this shit! Ten thumbs down..

Posted by: optimo at February 6, 2005 05:56 PM


Posted by: cocoa at February 12, 2005 06:54 PM

yeah, watched this film this eve, and i thought YES TWAS GOOD! well worth a watch, good twist, infact i will proberly watch it again!
As a horrah fan espacilly japanese, i found that there quite a few intense moments in this film and simply go and WATCH IT! Deniro is great, the story is good, well sory but just GO AND WATCH IT! thanks bye

Posted by: Tim at February 26, 2005 06:51 PM

I though da film was mint! even though i got really confused xXx

Posted by: TiNkErBeLl at February 27, 2005 12:16 PM

I actually thought that it was a good movie. Maybe because i scaree easily or possibly cos I saw it with cool people...but definatly wortha go.

Posted by: Stef at February 28, 2005 02:04 AM

Oh well i havnt sin it yet gunna get a pireted copy wiv heads from the crowd on it, if i get bored of the movie i can allways look for headlice in pll's hair! funfun iam only gunna watch it cuz i love hide and seek

Posted by: ya mum at March 27, 2005 02:48 PM

Oh well i havnt sin it yet gunna get a illigal copy wiv heads from the crowd on it, if i get bored of the movie i can allways look for headlice in pll's hair! funfun iam only gunna watch it cuz i love hide and seek

Posted by: ya mum at March 27, 2005 02:49 PM