January 17, 2005

Golden Globe Results


No surprises here really, except for Leonardo DiCaprio winning Best Actor in a Drama. I never thought they would give it to him... but seriously folks he deserved it. I hope he gets the Oscar over Jamie Foxx... really... he was THAT damn good in The Aviator. Here's your list of movie category results from the show last night.

Best picture -- drama
"The Aviator"

Best actress in a drama
Hilary Swank, "Million Dollar Baby"

Best actor in a drama
Leonardo DiCaprio, "The Aviator"

Best picture -- comedy or musical

Best actress in a comedy or musical
Annette Bening, "Being Julia"

Best actor in a comedy or musical
Jamie Foxx, "Ray"

Best foreign language film
"The Sea Inside," Spain

Best supporting actress
Natalie Portman, "Closer"

Best supporting actor
Clive Owen, "Closer"

Best director
Clint Eastwood, "Million Dollar Baby"

Best screenplay
Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor, "Sideways"

Best original score
Howard Shore, "The Aviator"

Best original song
"Old Habits Die Hard," from "Alfie"

Congrats to Natalie Portman for her first among many to come major awards. This lady is going to be a force to be reconed with for a long long time.

Posted by John Campea at January 17, 2005 01:23 AM


I really thought Jamie Foxx would win Best Supporting for Collateral, but hey. It went to Clive Owen for Closer and I really can't complain about that.

Kudos to Natalie Portman as well.

Posted by: evergreen at January 17, 2005 01:27 AM

omg i cryed when jamie foxx won, i can't not cry when a guy crys and it was very beautiful with robyn williams and i was really reall really happy when leo won best actor...that award is way over due..best looking goes to charlize theron and jim carrey. JOHNNY DEPP WILL WIN HIS AWARDS ONE YEAR BUT NOT FOR FINDING NEVERLAND.

Posted by: Marla Singer at January 17, 2005 02:01 AM

I am very happy with the results of theis year's Golden Globes only with the exception of one thing, Jamie Foxx winning again for his role in "Ray".

Leonardo di Caprio truly deserved his Best Actor. As for Natalie, I share John's sentiments.

Posted by: Simone at January 17, 2005 03:31 AM

an off topic request for the webmaster:

could you please dedicate an article on the new hddvd format? i have read news that paramount and warner bros. are releasing their 2005 movies and old films from their respectful extensive libraries on hddvd.

yet is it only me, cause i've never heard of this type of "hddvd" format before until now. what are the benefits and why is there a sudden need for it?

Posted by: B_A_T_M_A_N at January 17, 2005 04:06 AM

Oh you have to be happy for the 2 most likable people in that crowd last night. Jamie Fox and Natalie Portman. Natalie Portman looked so damn cute didn't she?

Posted by: Brad at January 17, 2005 09:13 AM

I think anyone who believes that Leonardo DeCaprior was a better actor than Jamie Fox this year is blisfully ignorant to what makes good acting. Good acting isn't about being good looking or witty or james deanish. it's about capturing the character in a way that NO OTHER ACTOR can replicate. Leonardo's rendition of Howard Hughes--I am sorry to say, I could imagine other actor's doing it just as good with proper research and coaching. Jamie Foxx's rendition of Ray Charles--I thought I was watching the real Ray Charles.
Anyone who doesn't see that, is blind, shallow or perhaps even subconsciously racist.

Posted by: Jenna at January 21, 2005 02:19 AM

I dont think it's being a racist Jenna, people just have their own reasons why they think that actor is better performance wise. If everybody has to agree that Jamie Foxx is the Best Actor for this year then that would really be blind and shallow, but no, not racist.

As for what you said, "Good acting isn't about being good looking or witty or james deanish. it's about capturing the character in a way that NO OTHER ACTOR can replicate". The word I am thinking of is imitation, Jamie Foxx did a good imitation of Ray Charles. So maybe for that he deserved a Best Imitation award, oh, which also means a Best Actor in his case.

Posted by: Simone at January 21, 2005 03:53 AM

what if one only watched the aviator and not ray? :p

Posted by: B_A_T_M_A_N at January 21, 2005 03:53 AM

I don't see why one would be considered "racist" just because they voted Leo for the Academy honor as opposed to Gamey Soxx. This Jenna person seems to have a problem (either she is black or an extreme left-wing liberal white). If Ray is such a "genius",why do we wait for him to die to bestow this and other accolades on him? Wise up people!

Posted by: truth at February 6, 2005 09:10 PM