January 04, 2005

Go Canada Go!!!

hockeyCanadaLogo.jpgWorld Junior Hockey Championships Gold Medal game tonight! Canada vs. Russia. Go Canada Go! Go Canada Go! Go Canada Go! Go Canada Go!

Now back to movie stuff.

Canada is now the defending Olympic, World and World Junior Champions. We do love our hockey up here. Now if those morons in the NHL Players Association would smarten up and get back to playing hockey my life would be almost perfect.

Posted by John Campea at January 4, 2005 02:32 PM


amen johnny. i've been so jacked for this game all day i can't believe it. i guess that's what happens when you will only see one important hockey game all year.

Posted by: gainer the gopher at January 4, 2005 05:33 PM

Oh lord...You have to be careful John, with two writers on the site we'll just follow your lead. Luckily the only thing I follow is Formula 1, an embarassingly bad NFL team who won't even get mentioned and some MTBing, so no chance of me posting about that. Oh, and there's no chance in hell of me *ever* posting about Scotland in Football (Soccer)!

So, just for you guys. Good luck Canada!

Posted by: Richard at January 4, 2005 06:12 PM