January 07, 2005

First five minutes of Elektra released

Elektra1.jpgI've just watched the opening five minutes to Elektra, wanna? Yahoo are hosting it, thanks to Coming Soon for the heads up.

It's a really nice introduction to the movie, doesn't appear to be any spoilers, other than seeing the opening five minutes of action. It's smooth and well shot, and Garner looks strong and imposing returning as the very sexy and sleek superheroine.

We're only weeks away and my level of anticipation has raised on this movie, perhaps it will be better than what it was borne from, Daredevil.

I have to say that the growing trend of showing off a movie via the first few minutes is actually a lot better than a trailer. There aren't any real spoilers to be had, and there's always an opening scene or two to show off the main crux of the movie and get the audience from the word go. Where as with a trailer we're subjected to clips from throughout the movie, cut at often incorrect times, which not only misrepresents the movie but usually ends up spoiling the ending or a major plot twist. I have heard the Studios are doing more of this, so let's see how it goes - what do you lot out there prefer?

Posted by at January 7, 2005 12:00 PM


I think the showing of clips works mostly in a good way.Although you kinda find yourself checking out a bit once that scene shows up in the movie and it plays itself out.
You really need the right clip cut at the right point.dont just show someone who is a baddie about to get his head chopped off and then the clip stops.
It might be really cool to advertise by showing a clip shot one way and then cut it diffrently for the film.
I like surprises.
Although that maybe just as distracting.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 8, 2005 10:46 AM

Hey, that's a great idea. I like that one.

Posted by: Richard at January 8, 2005 11:19 AM