January 22, 2005

Finding Neverland Director brings together eclectic mix

EmmaThompson.jpgThis casting list is almost stranger than fiction.

Emma Thompson, Queen Latifah and Will Ferrell together onscreen. Although Thompson may not necessarily be on screen. MovieWeb say that the grouping are coming together on the film Stranger than fiction, from director Marc Foster. The story says:

Will Ferrell already has been cast as an obsessive/compulsive IRS auditor who begins to hear a voice that turns out to be an author who is writing a novel in which Ferrell is the ill-fated protagonist. The auditor heeds the narrator's advice and turns his life around.

Thompson is in final negotiations to play the author suffering from writer's block, and Latifah is in final negotiations to play a book-company employee whose job is to unblock writers. Maggie Gyllenhaal signed on this week to play Ferrell's unlikely love interest, a baker with anarchist leanings.

Certainly is an interesting story, not to mention the casting list. It promises much from the Finding Neverland director.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 22, 2005 06:38 AM


Hmm..sounds like they ripped the plot from one or two novels by Christopher Priest and/or Potter's The Singing Detective.

Posted by: KDF at January 22, 2005 11:09 PM

I was going to say it kind of sounds like that John Candy movie Delirious. The one where he was a soap writer and anything he typed happened the next day.

Sounds like a good idea.

Posted by: Bombadil at January 24, 2005 02:00 PM

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