January 23, 2005

Fido The Zombie

Personally, I think the whole "Zombie" genre has been done to death and we really don't need anymore. But every once in a while a zombie movie comes along with a fresh sort of twist that catches my interest (ie. Shaun of the Dead as a "romantic comedy with Zombies).

Earlier today I came across a synopsis for one such film called "Fido The Zombie". The good folks over at Monsters and Critics give us this little morsel to chew on:

Years ago, the earth passed through a cloud of space dust, causing the dead to rise with an insatiable hunger for human flesh. Terror spread across the land, until a collar was invented that made the zombies docile, even useful. A company was born: ZomCon. Thanks to their patented domestication collar™, zombies became gardeners, milkmen, butlers, and even pets. ZomCon would like everyone to believe that they have the world under control - but do they?

Timmy Robinson doesn't think so. He thinks the world is "phony-baloney". An awkward loner, Timmy spends so much time in his room, even his own parents don't notice him. So when Mom buys a zombie to help around the house, Timmy is surprised, and even curious, when the beast wants to play catch. As the pair plays baseball in the park, the zombie saves Timmy from the local bullies. A true friendship is born and Timmy names the zombie, "Fido".

Ok, I'm already sold. Production is supposed to start in late spring. If done right, this could be great.

Posted by John Campea at January 23, 2005 11:23 AM


Compared with Goats of Oden... nothing.

Posted by: Peter at January 23, 2005 04:18 PM

But isn't that just exactly the same as the throwaway joke at the end of Shaun of the Dead? Almost down to the last detail (think of Noel working at the supermarket, Ed in the shed, and so on)? Could be good - hell, it could be brilliant - but it's hardly original...

Posted by: tom at January 23, 2005 07:20 PM

"I think the whole "Zombie" genre has been done to death"



Posted by: Screen Rant at January 23, 2005 07:31 PM

I love Zombies.

Posted by: Meli at January 23, 2005 07:59 PM

Zombies aren't done yet. There's more fun to be had. Obviously. Fido is a brilliant concept. I can't wait.

Posted by: Mike Browne at January 24, 2005 04:23 AM

For the record (most people quoting Shaun of the Dead forget this), but there was another big 'romantic comedy' with zombies...Peter Jackson's DEAD ALIVE.

Don't get me wrong, I love Shaun of the Dead to death...It's on my top 10 of 2004, and it is far more sophisticated (in the humour deptartment) than Dead Alive...But Dead Alive did it first.

Don't mean to sound anal-retentive, but it is an oversight i would prefer corrected!

Posted by: Triflic at January 24, 2005 01:47 PM

Who wants to see a friendly zombie? Kind of takes away from the whole appeal, doesn't it?

Unless Fido then proceeds to rip of Timmy's head and go on a rampage and starts a revolution, I could care less about it. Viva Fido!

Posted by: Bombadil at January 24, 2005 01:55 PM

See... this is why I like having a comments section! Good thoughts Bombadill/Triflic/Tom

Posted by: John Campea at January 24, 2005 07:45 PM

Yes, Meli, yes....*sigh*

Posted by: CrzyDJM at January 25, 2005 07:31 PM

OMG...I so love zombies too...I feel left out though. I'm gonna forever be a fan of zombie movies, but a movie about controled nice zombies? What the hell?

All I know is that it's gonna suck. Why the hell would I wanna see that? I want to see the zombies kill people and eat flesh and rip girls limb from limb. I love th chaos and panic that comes in a zombie movie, but I want more than stupid crybaby drama like Dawn of the Dead...I want to see people die...I want to see more death...

Posted by: Anthony at January 27, 2005 03:16 PM

Any news on casting for this yet?

Posted by: Jay at March 3, 2005 04:44 PM

They are casting for zombies in Kelowna, BC. All they need is a picture of you and your name and phone number on the back.

I never thought I'd ever say this but...
"I wish I lived in Kelowna!"

Posted by: Krel at May 14, 2005 12:44 PM

I went to the extras casting call for Fido today. I applied to be a zombie - how could you not? The process was filling out a form, having your picture taken and then you watch a bit of a zombie flick (one of the Fulci ones) and then do a zombie walk in front of the camera. The ladies could try screaming if they wanted that kind of a part.

Hopefully I did an authentic enough zombie shuffle.

Posted by: Kevywevy at May 16, 2005 01:07 AM

As I was driving up campus today (the production office is staying at the University Campus just outside Kelowna), I noticed signs saying "Fido Audition Parking [left arrow pointing to lower parking lot]"

I haven't heard anything on the radio for the casting of major roles, but it may be done today. I'm going to try to sneak off from work to see what's going on. Though the signs could have been put up for yesterday, figures it might happen the day I was off work.

Posted by: kylewild2newton at June 3, 2005 11:44 AM

No such luck. I didn't see anything exciting going on today. Must have been yesterday.

Posted by: kylewild2newton at June 4, 2005 01:30 AM

Hey, fun stuff. The film is being shot only half a block from my house. Here's a link:


Posted by: kylewild2newton at June 8, 2005 01:00 PM

who's staring in this movie?

Posted by: ainsley at June 13, 2005 12:12 PM

hilary clinton as the little boy and john carey as the zombie dog

Posted by: mgs3 at June 13, 2005 12:44 PM

Hey dudes, I live in Kelowna and just heard about this Fido movie the other day. Today I decided to take a look around where they are filming to see what I could see. Mostly it was coz my ears perked up when I heard that Carrie-Anne Moss is in this movie. Carrie-Anne Moss in Kelowna? Hell, man, you couldn't keep me away! So I went downtown and rode around the area on my bike. I saw a bunch of signs with "Local Traffic Only" so I went down one of these alleys, and holy shit, you won't believe this: I stumbled right onto a scene that was being filmed with Carrie-Anne Moss! It was wicked! The traffic control people were actually pretty cool, nobody made a big fuss, and they let me stick around for a couple hours and watch Carrie-Anne Moss in action! They were filming this scene in a light blue Pontiac so I got to see the crew filming a load of retakes. Apparently C-A plays the mother of a kid who befriends a zombie. I also got to watch Dylan Baker (Spiderman 2) do a scene with Carrie-Anne Moss, and he's holding a rifle. I don't think this movie's gonna be all happy-crappy zombie comedy. Looks like there's gonna be some lead-slinging anyhow, so don't you pessimists start getting all cynical about this Fido business sounding too cheesy just yet. Anyways, I think I'll try and sneak in again tomorrow, coz I never got a chance to get C-A's autograph, hee!

Posted by: Jesse from K-Town at June 16, 2005 11:09 PM

Oh yeah, and the zombie's being played by Billy Connolly, but I left before he got to the scene for the make-up bit.

Posted by: Jesse from K-Town at June 16, 2005 11:14 PM

hey all, im from kelowna, and i was cast to be a extra in the movie, i was a zombie complete with a gash on my face and them crazy contacts it was fun stuff, there still filiming hopefully im in a few more scenes

Posted by: Braden at June 24, 2005 08:45 PM

It was a very sad day on set thursday a young extra doing a stand in for Billy Conoly went into a seizure in a trailer minutes before he was due to go back on set,all efforts to revive the young man failed and sadly he was pronounced dead when paramedicts arrived,our thoughts and prayers go out to the young mans family.

Posted by: Trevor at July 16, 2005 03:25 AM

I just read about the the note Trevor posted about the extra for the Fido Double. Was this Andrew (Andy)? There isn't anything in the media about this incident. I heard someone died during the shooting. If this was him, I would like to know. I filmed with him on July 14th in a car scene.

Posted by: Landon at July 30, 2005 04:13 PM

I just read about the the note Trevor posted about the extra for the Fido Double. Was this Andrew (Andy)? There isn't anything in the media about this incident. I heard someone died during the shooting. If this was him, I would like to know. I filmed with him on July 14th in a car scene.

Posted by: Landon at July 30, 2005 04:15 PM

...From the Capital News...
Aug 07 2005
Coroner to investigate cause of Fido actor's death

The B.C. Coroner's service is investigating the death of an actor on the set of the movie Fido being shot in the Central Okanagan.
Regional coroner Jeff Dolan said 23-year-old Andrew Dore, an extra on the set, collapsed while filming in Lake Country and died July 14. Dolan said his office is awaiting autopsy and toxicology results.

Posted by: bob... at August 6, 2005 03:16 PM

Andrew was my friend and I feel his loss greatly. I know he loved acting and I know he was a risk taker. I'm currently in Asia (China) where I am on tour and I am waiting to hear about the exact cause of his death. I would like it if Landon could email me and tell me about his day filming the car scene with Andrew. It would be nice to be in contact with someone who worked with him on the movie. I have heard through Andrew's Dad Paul that there are conflicting stories as to how Andrew died and when. I will leave the resolution of those conflicts and investigations into to them to others. I just want to remember Andy and share with someone who worked with him on the set. My email is [email protected]. If Landon or anyone else would care to send me an email, I will tell you about the Andy I knew (did you know he spent a year in Korea?) and I would love to hear about the Andy you knew. Thanks. Rest in Peace Andy! Andrew David Dore September 4 1980 - July 14 2005

Posted by: Glenn Alexander at August 14, 2005 03:54 AM

This is so sad and shocking. I did see it posted in the paper on August 6th. Our whole family passes our thoughts and prayers onto Andrew's family and friends and his girlfriend. No matter how brief an encounter you share with a person, it was clear Andrew was pretty good guy and will remain in our thoughts. He mentioned he was going back to school in the fall and he joked about wanting to leave his make-up on and go home and scare his girlfriend.

Posted by: Landon at August 15, 2005 09:16 PM

Thanks to everyone for there comments, concern and thoughts regarding Andrew Dore's death. As his girlfriend I would like to thank all those that came forward with information during the investigation. It's a tragedy, and I'm still trying to deal with it on a daily basis. I lost a light in my life when he died, but he will always live on in my heart. Thanks for your support everyone.

Posted by: Katherine Haley at August 16, 2005 03:49 PM

R.I.P. Andrew Skippy Dore My thoughts go out to the family of Andrew. My name is Shilo, I met Andrew about 8 weeks before his passing as we were in the same training class together at Marusa Marketing. Over that time we became pretty good friends makeing our daily ritual lunch time trips up Dilworth Mountain, to enjoy the scenery ya thats it. Around work we called him skippy, he got that name cause on the first day of training the teacher went to the front desk about ten minuetes after class started and skippy was up there chatting with the receptionist, she asked if he was in her class Skippy said yes and she informed him he was late and to get his but in there she then turned around to walk back in class asuming skippy was following however when she got to the door she turned around to see him still chatting up the receptionist. So she yells down the hall well hurry the hell up Skippy and it stuck. From What I knew of Andrew he was truly a nice guy, he would always make myself and the rest of the class laugh at his comedian like antics. We sort have had a class clown contest going on between the two of us. He was always talking about his girlfriend (nothing bad) and her mom (can't say the same) As well as the mentally challenged kids that he would work with dureing the day. After we had finished training we were all ready to go start our real job when he informed us that he was not comeing back. We were disapointed that it was not gonna be such an energetic class without him. We promissed to keep in touch and go to flashbacks a couple of weeks later, but I never heard from him again. Then I was working at my other job on the 6th of August where I had to read a 8 min news cast over the radio, the second story was the one of Andrews death. I almost quit talking mid story as tears came to my eyes and my throat started to swell. Although I did not know Skippy long I consider myself privilaged to have known him for the short time I did. He was a truly funny guy who cared about people and wanted everyone to smile I thank you for all the laughs skippy and will miss your fat jokes and Tony Montanna shirts, the world is a lesser place without you. P.S. After learning of his passing I imformed other members of the lunch time scenery congregation we went up to the spot on Dilworth and carry'd on the tradition one last time we left a seat open for Skippy and we all felt him with us one last time. Keep on smokeing Skippy. R.I.P.

Posted by: Shilo Lavallee at August 21, 2005 12:36 PM

Hey this is from Zach, who is actually in the movie and ive seen fido ive meet billy connelly and belive me this movie is disgusting lots of heads ripping off and arms and legs so ittll be good belive me people get eaten and shit so ya itll be good

Posted by: Zach at August 23, 2005 03:11 PM

Yes Andrew was a nice guy, but he was also doing something he shouldn't have, wasn't he now......?

Posted by: Someone at September 18, 2005 03:06 PM

There are many rumours, but being 'unknown' as you have choose to post. I think this site needs to move forward and focus on the intent of it - which is the Fido Movie. I personally can't wait for it to come out - I will definatly go to see it!! Hell, the interior of BC, the great actors........let's move it on people. Let's wish Fido a great success as it was intended to be. Hat's off to all the people associated with it.

Posted by: unknown at September 19, 2005 11:38 PM

Hello all...

I worked on the film from start to finish as far as the Okanagan locations are concerned. I played a zombie, had a speaking role along side Ms. Moss, Mr. Connolly, and Mr. Baker, and worked full-time with the special effects make-up crew (http://www.mastersfx.com). I also had the fortune to meet and speak with Andrew Dore on a few occassions.

What can I say,... I had a blast.

If you have any questions, I hope I can help in some way.

Posted by: Raymond E. Bailey at September 20, 2005 03:09 AM

Hey Peoples. I too worked on the set of the FIDO movie that was being filmed right here in Kelowna. Id love to talk to some others who worked on it, so please message me. thank you

Posted by: Michelle at September 21, 2005 01:39 AM

Hey unknown! I never did hear what happened with the toxicology report. You hear something? He liked to go to raves, and everything that goes on during them. But can't see him doing anything he shouldn't have been on the set of a movie. Did you hear otherwise?

Posted by: Shilo Lavallee at September 25, 2005 12:30 PM