January 04, 2005

Fantastic Four vs War of the Worlds for Summer

fantastic4poster.jpgWe're just back at work and the talk out there is already on the Summer block buster schedule! Well, I'm back at work at least...hence why I'm writing this, anyway!

Yahoo have the news from Variety of the planned release schedule which will pitch War of the Worlds against Fantastic Four.

Hollywood has crammed the schedule with so many releases that, if you're still trying searching for a date for your blockbuster, the only open weekend left is Aug. 26.

Judging by John's previous post I don't think this bodes too well for the Four. If the furious rework going on just now is anything to go by, the movie may not be of the calibre to stand up against the Spielberg movie. Still, the talk is that Worlds is really pushing their FX schedule and may slip.

The battles start in May, but the most closely watched game of release-date chicken comes over the July 4 weekend when Steven Spielberg-Tom Cruise (news) sci-fi pic "War of the Worlds" is skedded to open against comicbook adaptation "The Fantastic Four."...

...Last April, Fox planted its flag on Fourth of July weekend for "Fantastic Four." Then in August, Paramount announced it was co-producing with DreamWorks the Spielberg/Cruise collaboration "War of the Worlds," which it would release on June 29, a Wednesday.

What I find really funny is when a news source really tries to hype up a story:

It's widely expected that one of those pics will move, but neither studio wants to be the one to blink first. If the two pics remain in place, it would make for a showdown not seen since "Gremlins" and "Ghostbusters" both opened June 8, 1984, to say nothing of the battle between "The Perfect Storm" and "The Patriot" over the Independence Day weekend in 2000.

Wow, and what battles they were! Okay, I might give them the Gremlins \ Ghostbusters one. Still the point is valid, it doesn't benefit either Studio when people are forced to choose between a block buster on it's opening weekend, and it's even worse nowadays with the costs so high. It could be said that it was quite affordable to see two movies in a weekend, if not staggering them within a week, but nowadays it's stretching that for a lot of people and families in particular.

However it's looking harder and harder for movement in the calendar for Summer, supposedly this is the tightest year for releases in Summer so far:

Sony and Warner Bros. are planning four releases apiece in May, June and July, but those studios are spreading their pics out a bit more...Hollywood has crammed the schedule with so many releases that, if you're still trying searching for a date for your blockbuster, the only open weekend left is Aug. 26.

All this is great news for us, the audience, we'll have a Summer filled with loads of releases and great choice. Let's just hope it's not too much for our wallets.

Posted by at January 4, 2005 07:50 AM


2005 looks like a it's going to be a real good year for the movies.

I know that there are a lot of good releases this year but just the thought of Episode III is already enough for me, and then there's also "Batman Begins", "War of the Worlds", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and "Fantastic Four", I mean, hang on a minute, let us breathe!

Posted by: Simone at January 4, 2005 08:21 AM

Well not even entering Episode III into the equation -because I would show to much favoritism- I think this battle is very easily won by Tom Cruise and War of the Worlds. I mean Tom is so fricken cool -and I mean that in the most hedero way possible-, and from the get go I think this Fantastic 4 movie is going to be worse that Dalph Lungren as the Punisher.

Posted by: Brad at January 4, 2005 11:50 AM

"War of the Worlds" will definitely rule this year's summer release for sure!

Heck, it's Spielberg & Cruise!

Posted by: Simone at January 4, 2005 12:51 PM

Hands down War of The Worlds will trounce Fantastic Four.

I never thought FF was going to translate well and after seeing The Incredibles and their "take" of the various powers the members of the FF have just don't think this will be a good film.

It'll be better effects-wise than the Roger Corman nightmare from the 90s but the names Cruise and Spielberg over the 3rd tier actors of FF don't give FF a chance even.

There really is no major drawing power for FF to a non-comic book familiar audience.

My parents would probably not think twice about going to see War of the Worlds on name value alone. FF? They wouldn't even consider it.

Posted by: Nala at January 4, 2005 01:50 PM

to me the fantastic four sounds kinda lame and i dont think it'll stand against the war of the worlds

Posted by: Marla Singer at January 4, 2005 01:58 PM

I think it's pretty hard to argue this topic.
I will give most comic movie a chance and am fond of even some of the bad ones. FF...I don't have much hope, I will see it, but my expectations are low.
If FF and War of the Worlds do open the same weekend you can bet my money will be on Worlds. I'm not a Cruise fan, but it's Spielberg and Sci-fi...I'm there.

Posted by: Meli at January 4, 2005 07:25 PM