January 18, 2005

Fantastic Four Trailer Online

You know, as much as I've been fearing the suckiness of The Fantastic Four... after seeing the trailer I've gotta admit that I've got a little optimism for the project again! The good folks over at Rope of Silicon have several sizes of the trailer up for you to choose from.

The shot of The Thing laying a shoulder into an oncoming truck looks just amazing! Seriously folks, head over and check the trailer out. It just might get you to believe again... or maybe not.

Posted by John Campea at January 18, 2005 11:46 PM


I still cant tell if I think this looks sweet or not.Some of it looks like what i want to see..The space stuff looks kinda weak.the "4 will be..... fantastic"line was cheesy but thats the typical trailer stuff i guess.
I want to feel like my hair is on fire and ive got the wind puched out of me by Torch and Thing.
That music on the trailer helped sell it a lot that it was goinna be frentic action but
best Mr.Fantastic thing they could show was him grabbing a glass and opening a door????Lets hope theres more.
I didnt see any cool Invisble suff either.
......or did I?

Dialog and acting are not featured in the trailer and that might be a bad sign or it just might be the cut they thought featured the right action.
The whole reshooting of the ending story sounds REALLY bad but I will still watch this and pay 12 dollars or maybe just rent it.
Or did I?

Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 19, 2005 06:18 AM

Wierd, I get "Item is not a registered protocol" when I try to view it. That's never happened to me before while trying to view a Quicktime file...


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 19, 2005 11:00 AM

Ah, I was able to view a smaller version. They must be trying to get me to download some ipod thing if I want the fullscreen.

Anyway... my gut tells me Chiklis(sp?) will be great in this but I think the rest of it will be weak. The space station scenes had "miscast" written all over Mr. Fantastic.


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 19, 2005 11:04 AM

Well it does say that you need iTunes to see the fullscreen. :P

As for the movie I'll pass: didn't read the comics, didn't like the cartoon series and the movie isn't looking very intriguing.

I'll go watch that Sin City trailer again.

Posted by: Arethusa at January 19, 2005 02:55 PM

I'll reserve judgement until I see it. There was no doubt that I'll go see the movie, but the trailer was a pretty good anticipation builder.
Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at January 20, 2005 09:48 AM


i have watched the trailer 38 times and it looks sick!!!!!!!!! i want it now i want jessica alba!!!!

Posted by: billy bob at January 26, 2005 02:09 PM

I hope the movie is not too cheesy. i want lots of action, jessica alba, and less cheesy one liners.

Fantastic Four Trailer

Posted by: joemal at January 27, 2005 09:42 PM

The "1 will be bad, 4 will be... fantastic" killed any hope for me whatsoever that this movie would be good.

At the very least, it may provide some eye candy but that isn't really such a comforting thought.

Posted by: evergreen at January 27, 2005 10:43 PM

Shitty ass rock music..no respect for the original material...Doctor Doom looks ridiculous and weak(I can make a better costume than that crap)..Human Torch looks older than Reed Richards. The Thing is to small. Doctor Doom goes to space with the Four?!? What the hell? Costumes look ridiculous. But..yes, Jessica Alba does look hot, whoopee!!

Trailer looks sh*tty & awful.

But of course, I grew up on the book,
I will see this flick unfortunately.

I wish they would follow the comics when they make these movies.

Posted by: smp at January 29, 2005 12:59 AM

I was catching up on my trailer watching and finally saw this latest trailer for FF.

I am definitely watching this because of Mr. Fantastic. I love Ioan Grufudd!!!


Posted by: Simone at March 22, 2005 05:10 PM