January 26, 2005

Evil Dead Producer Robert Tapert answers why to the remake

EvilDead.jpgRobert Tapert the Producer from The Evil Dead, has talked to SciFi Wire about the remake plans for that very movie.

Apparently he and Bruce Campbell were the really reluctant ones, with Sam Raimi pushing for the new take. From an excerpt form MovieWeb:

"The funny thing is, nothing is as you would expect. Our original investors and I think [original Evil Dead star] Bruce [Campbell] and myself were more resistant to remaking the movie than Sam."

"I talk to Bruce Campbell every other day, and he says, 'You should see the message boards and all of the stuff I get saying "Please don't do it!"' So we're certainly going to have to tread carefully."

"As long as we stay true to what was the original model of the first Evil Dead, which was that we want to hurt and punish the audience, then those who love it will be satisfied,"

For all the fans out there who have been as worried as I have about this move, it does sound that it's being done out of respect for the original with the careful footing of the producers of the movies watching over it.

Posted by at January 26, 2005 03:12 PM


please don't do it

Posted by: thekinginyellow at January 26, 2005 04:05 PM

I'm with the don't do it crowd. The movie is a classic and deserves to be left alone.
It's just a great movie. Please leave it alone.

Posted by: kat at January 26, 2005 04:14 PM

If it's going to be done anyway, this is the way to do it.


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 27, 2005 01:02 AM

Agreed Vic - This is most certainly the way to do it, get the original Producers in there to make sure it's not destroyed during Production and Writing.

Posted by: Richard at January 27, 2005 03:40 AM

i will only support this if bruce campbell is ash, anything else is completely unnnacaptable.

Posted by: miles at January 27, 2005 08:49 AM

Yeah, mixed feelings from me as well. Is there any hope that Mr. Campbell WILL still be ASH? I would totally support it if that's the case. Otherwise, it's gonna be kinda difficult to win me over.

I'm still confused about this one.

Posted by: trysop at January 27, 2005 01:42 PM

wait, didn't they ALREADY remake Evil Dead? and, um, wasn't that Evil Dead 2? am I missing something here?

Posted by: ismateo at January 28, 2005 09:54 PM

Yeah, same team, same script just more money. That really was a remake in the true term, they were very true to the original.

I doubt they could do that again though, this time with a different director and team behind him, I think we'll see a different movie.

Posted by: Richard at January 29, 2005 07:46 AM

Couldn't the producers take all this time and money and come up with something "new" rather than remake Evil Dead? I am soooo sick of remakes. Has there been an "excellent" remake to date? I can't think of any.

Posted by: diskjokk at January 30, 2005 10:35 PM

When Hollywood has a brain fart...

...all stands still for a moment...

...and then...

...remakes are born.

Posted by: Justin at February 2, 2005 03:16 AM

Don't do ir for two reasons, could your really capture the spirit of the film with such firm security? Probably not.

Second the story behind it is an inspirational story to all aspiring filmmakers. I had a revelation maybe its good not to inspire aspring filmmakers like such as myself, because the likely hood of all aspiring filmmakers is to work in Blockbuster, A Grip or Law.

I still might burn all my evil dead dvd's and tapes, if chins could kill and my army of darkness poster if they do it and i would try to boycott the lot of them, even though i have tremendous respect for the lot of them up to now.

If they do it we should all picket infront of there offices and at the movie theaters.

Wait at least another 20 years The deadites will still be here.

I agree with diskjokk

Posted by: Joey at February 3, 2005 01:59 AM

You ever think the trio is just gripping onto the one thing that they hold the dearest in fear that one day it's going to die off? I mean seriously, Sam has been quoted saying "This is the project I really want to make. The remake can belong to someone else, but part 4 will be a continuation of the original".

And anyways, the only way I would boycott anything Evil Dead is if Gus Van Sant was directing it, this whole remake thing is his fault to begin with.

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Posted by: casino en linea at February 10, 2005 07:42 AM

Will all of you babies stop your whining, who cares if they remake it? The original will always be the original and if you don't want to see a remake then don't go see it! Nobody will make you go. Find something legitimate to cry about!

Posted by: lknud0813 at February 16, 2005 10:14 PM

anybody lost like me as to why all the internet dorks out there constantly say how Army of Darkness was a great movie? What a piece of garbage. All I heard was what a great horror flick! ummm...it wasn't a horror flick. All i heard was: "oh the hilarity!". that movie was a pile of horse manure.

Posted by: cherokeegreenjeep at February 17, 2005 12:26 PM

Yeh...actually I didn't like Army of Darkness that much. Evil Dead 2's my fave, but even then I prefer Re-Animator above the Evil Dead movies. I guess a remake was inevitable though.

Posted by: Chris at July 16, 2005 12:08 AM

"The funny thing is, nothing is as you would expect. Our original investors and I think [original Evil Dead star] Bruce [Campbell] and myself were more resistant to remaking the movie than Sam."
I really like that :)

Posted by: mariela - Telecharger Gratuitement at August 2, 2005 09:29 PM

Interesting post, i like your blog very much

Posted by: telecharger emule at September 12, 2005 08:56 AM

I agree with you the way you view the issue. I remember Jack London once said everything positive has a negative side; everything negative has positive side. It is also interesting to see different viewpoints & learn useful things in the discussion.

Posted by: penis pills at October 3, 2005 06:55 PM