January 06, 2005

Emmerich dulls plans for Nightstalkers and Freddy vs Jason

Are plans quashed for a Blade: Trinity Nightstalkers spin off or a Freddy vs Jason movie? Well Coming Soon take the quotes from Creature Corner's questions to Toby Emmerich over at New Line about the possibilities.

Without much surprise he said that there are no plans right now for either. Really though, that doesn't give us much. At least he goes on to say about the Nightstalkers:

There are no plans right now for a Nightstalkers film until I see how well Blade: Trinity does on video.

Oh, great idea. Why don't you just stop for a moment and look at what the fans are saying rather than wait for the balance sheet from the video and DVD sales. Why not make Blade a four episode series and chuck in a final movie which really does the character justice. Get the original ideals back on board and let it go out in style, I'm sure Wesley Snipes would like to do a decent sequel. Hell, you could even use the Nightstalkers in it again if you want to promote a new series, but if you haven't learnt by now, don't use it as a vehicle to launch some new characters, make it a good movie in its own right and add in the new characters should you feel the need to. The good movie is the key here.

Coming soon carry an interesting figure which I didn't realise:

Freddy vs. Jason cost about $30 million to produce and earned an impressive $114.3 worldwide.

Wow, that is good. I've never seen the movie myself. To be quite honest the whole idea left me feeling unexcited and flat. It might appear that Sam Raimi feels the same way as Emmerich when quoted to Coming Soon ages ago:

...Riami who holds the rights to the "Evil Dead" franchise, debunked those reports in October and told us that "we'd rather not do that right now. As fun as that sounded, I think they are two different worlds. Evil Dead and Freddy and Jason."

It's interesting reading these quotes as to which way you take them. To me, at first reading the Raimi quote says that he's not interested in doing that. Raimi makes good movies, and if he thinks that the two characters worlds don't exist together, then that sounds quite conclusive to me. However, you could take it that despite that he wants to create the movie as it will be a fun movie (and possibly a money earner) but the time isn't right just now.

Who really knows! I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Posted by at January 6, 2005 04:02 AM


I have seen Freddy vs. Jason many many times. First in the theater -since I had been hearing rumors about it since I was in high-school- and then after I bought it on DVD -great DVD by the way-. The movie was directed by someone who had very little knowledge of the prior films, which I think worked out well, since many of those flick got a bit cheessey in the later numbers. Also the way they tied the 2 master horror icons together was pretty slick I must say. A sequel to this movie I think is inevitable, for 1 the box office gross was impressive, and 2 they left it open for a sequel -much like the past movies-. For those who are Freddy and Jason fans, they did give you a taste of all your favorite themes. The skinny dipping boob sceen at crystal lake, and of course the wise cracking gore of Freddy. If you were ever a fan of one or the other, you will like the movie.

Posted by: Brad at January 6, 2005 10:44 AM

Yes Freddy vs. Jason was fun - but does Ash fit into that universe? If it's the only way we can get more deadites onscreen, then I guess so. But if it means sacrificing a sequel to Army of Darkness? Not worth it.

Oh, BTW - Bruce Campbell ROCKS (in person too)! Had to fit that in.

Posted by: trysop at January 6, 2005 08:52 PM

Why is the sequal being stopped? No script ideas? I have my own script. I would want to see a Freddy vs. Jason sequal with not 1 but 2 new horror icons. Michael Myers and Leatherface. But I don't get all the credit. It was origanally wrote by another kid, but I fixed it up and gave it more detail. I used his ideas but it just was not very well put with the battles. He bairley had Freddy and Jason fight, and Freddy's dialog wasn't great either. Half the stuff he said was from his original movies. But I fixed it all. The ending was a horrible plot. The Terminator comes in and kills off all of them. Yeh it was bad but I fixed it. (My script) It's called Freddy vs. jason 2:Boogeymen (my own title). It starts off where every movie left off. Michael opening his eyes, Leatherface at his house with one arm...Stupid, and of course Freddy vs. Jason. Michael Myers opens his eyes in the morgue because when he burned in the house he died (if he ever could) well he is in Hell with Freddy and he wants Michael to kill Jason and in return he ressurects him(So now he is not human). So Michael is on his way to Camp Crystal Lake. Leatherface is at his house and 2 teens show up (there car breaks down) and they ask to use the phone boy goes in girl stays out. Leatherface shows up but ends up shot and dead. He is in Hell with Freddy and he is also ressurected to kill Jason in return for his Right arm back YEHHHHH!! Well most of the script until the big fight Leatherface is making his way to Camp Crystal Lake. Michael and Jason meet up and form a team to kill off all the kids that are at the camp. A few times Michael is shot or knocked out and Freddy gets mad. So in the dream world he turns into Jason and starts attacking him when Michael is knocked out for about the 2nd or 3rd time. Michael wakes up and thinks Jason is attacking him so he picks a fight with Jason. Again Michael is knocked out and Freddy is pulled out of the dream world. Leatherface finally shows up and people have been dieing in the camp. Did Leatherface Miss all the action? No of course not. On the way to Camp Crystal Lake he kills about 4 or 5 people. While at camp those are Freddy, Jason, and Michael's. Anyway the big fight goes down and the ending is pretty corny. But i'am not gonna spoil it. I would like to get Ronny Yu or whoever is directing Freddy vs Jason 2 to read it. Actually anyone who is in the movie who plays a big role to read it, like Robert Englund and Ken kirzinger, because it is believable and is easy to follow a long with the story. Detailed and long. Like a real movie. Please respond and let me know what you think of the idea and if you would like to read my script, write me and I will send it to you. I also made a Poster its cool. Just give me your e-mail and I'll send it. Thanks. If you do read it feel free to give me any of your thoughts or ideas you think would be good to intertwine with my version.

Posted by: U2crazy2000 at March 2, 2005 10:43 PM