January 31, 2005

Eighties teen slasher "Terror Train" to be remade

TerrorTrain.jpgThis tickled me, and tickled me a lot. Remember those silly plot stories from the eighties teen slasher movies? Well this one has to take the biscuit. IMDB cover the plot of Terror Train as:

A college fraternaty prank goes bad and student ends up in the mental ward. Four years later, it's graduation time, and the members of the fraternity decide to have a costume party aboard a train trip to celebrate thier graduation. Unknowingly to them, a killer has slipped aboard, wacking them off one by one, disguised in the costumes of the victims.

Laugh? Well if it didn't echo a million other movies of the time then I probably would. The real funny news is that...

In conjunction with Maverick Films and Integrated Films and Management, Emmett/Furla Films, a wholly owned subsidiary of Family Room Entertainment Corporation, has announced that they are in final negotiations to acquire the rights to remake the 1980 horror classic, Terror Train.

Woo! Thanks Coming Soon, I can hardly believe it! Where could they have possibly had the idea to remake some old eighties horror movies?

Emmett/Furla and Integrated recently partnered to set up a remake of the horror classic The Amityville Horror with NuImage and Dimension Films.

Ah. I see. I wonder what will be next on their roster. However, I think they defend it well with a really strong web bite:

"Suspense on a train is a classic formula that's been relatively unexplored in recent years," said Andy Trapani and Steve Whitney of Integrated Films and Management.

Now you see, I am laughing.

Mark Morgan of Maverick Films stated: "...We are excited to start with 'Terror Train' and believe this to be the first of many to come."

...Surely that's not meant to read that it's the first of many such remakes as Terror Train to come, but more that's the first of many collaborations to come? Oh let's hope it's the latter!

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 31, 2005 04:48 PM


There are few horror films that are original and worth seeing, if nothing else they are a good launching pad for unknown actors/actress�. Excuse the clich� here, but most horror films are poorly made and/or do not even tap the basis of all human fear in a real manner meaning: When was the last time you watched a horror flick and became as petrified as the first time you saw The Exorcist?

It�s so heartbreaking when theatres are impregnated by these films�especially the ones where the trailers for the film make them out to be much more intense than the actual film is.

What a pity.

Posted by: Justin at January 31, 2005 07:59 PM

UGH! Remakes are vast these days...it's more than annoying. I for one mark the remakes as rentals, unless they can do some serious enticing.

For the love of God can someone please do something new!

Posted by: Meli at February 1, 2005 09:59 PM

What I find strange is that studios are remaking films that weren't that good to begin with. It'a like Lucas adding new effects to his films. there's just no point in it.

Posted by: c c at February 27, 2005 08:23 PM