January 18, 2005

Die Hard 4 Talk

Bruce_DieHard.jpgYeeehaaawww. Looks like one of my favorite film franchises is still plugging along. After a lot of talk about a Die Hard 4 about a year ago, things have been eerily quiet about it. Now, Bruce Willis has been talking to Maxim Magazine about the project that is already in the works. The good folks over at Freeze Dried Movies offer us this:

"It's Die Hard 4.0. They're working on the script right now. Doug Richardson, who wrote Hostage is typing away furiously. It's a really interesting idea. And it's the first one that Fox has liked, so we'll see."
Personally, I thought the third film was the best of the bunch. I can't wait for this. Bruce is one of the last true Hollywood action stars left.

Posted by John Campea at January 18, 2005 07:02 AM


Yippee-ki-yay, motherf*cker... great news - but DIE HARD (the original is the best of the bunch!!)

Posted by: Matt Adcock at January 18, 2005 07:29 AM

Totally agree - they are both the best! ;)

Tell you what though, let's not get dazzled by 4.0 and miss out on the Hostage, that's a good looking film to keep us going for the biggie. Mind you, we could be surprised and Hostage turns out to be the better.

Posted by: Richard at January 18, 2005 07:44 AM

The real question isn't whether or not the movie will whoop arse or not, but rather, will we get to see "Hey Zeus" or not? hehehe

seriously. This is my favorite franchise, and the last true " guy " movie series left. I can't wait. It would be really nice to see his wife kidnapped again, though. jk.

Posted by: mogulus at January 18, 2005 11:37 AM