January 02, 2005

Deadly new Revenge of the Sith Pics

GoodByeDooku.jpgOh my sweet goodness! Revenge of the Sith is going to absolutley rule! Once again, you must forgive me if I sound a little fanboy-ish, but every single thing I've seen and heard from this project makes me wanna do an Irish Jig.

It's all over the internet this morning that the folks at "I Don't Fear" dot com have posted up some sweet new pics from RotS... some of which I have never seen, and all of which look amazing. This film will rock (once again sounding like the fanboy I am).

Hmmm... looks like someone is about to get a little trim.

Posted by John Campea at January 2, 2005 12:21 PM


A constipated-looking Christopher Lee, robots with lightsabres (?), and a seemingly pregnant Darth Sidious... together at last!

Posted by: tom at January 2, 2005 06:25 PM

Against my best 'spoiler-free' reservations, I checked out each and every image on that site. Of course I was both thrilled and horrified by the spoilers in those images! Oh, and even more telling are some of the captions.

I wonder where these came from? Seems a bit early to be showing such pics!

Anyway, great photos but they tell too much (for me anyway).

Posted by: trysop at January 3, 2005 12:25 AM

I promised myself to go spoiler-free for this episode, and I am keeping that promise.

Still, it looks like the FORCE is alive and kicking!

Posted by: Simone at January 3, 2005 08:13 AM

Revenge of the sith is ging to be the best movie ever! I cant wait until the primeir ..wow tehese pictures rocks.

Posted by: Lana at January 3, 2005 06:11 PM

I just creamed my pants, damn I was saving that for later when that Hillary Duff show is on.

Posted by: WILLIAM at January 3, 2005 06:31 PM

The FORCE is still with GL.Looks like ROTS is going to bee the best movie ever! Great photos by the way!

Posted by: Diana at January 3, 2005 08:00 PM

Well it looks like Lucasfilm has found the 'i don't fear' site and it is now down. I hope everyone who wanted them got to see them while they were up!

I just listened to Audio Edition Vol.7 today John and it sounds like the link you referred to contained TONS more than these. Exciting, tempting and cool - but - I think I would rather avoid those new images. I even pulled my headphones off when you talked about some of it!

Posted by: trysop at January 3, 2005 09:12 PM

I'm willing to reserve final judgement on this film until I see it (although I might not go, much like when I couldn't muster the motivation to go and see the third matrix installment) butI remain skeptical. I am not sure that a few pics is enough to warrant "the best film ever". I know that the quote is not to be taken too seriously and chalked up to the fan-boy/girl excitment and hope...but really, I assign a pretty low probability to this being a good film given the track record. The previous films weren't mediocre, or ok, they were just bad.

Posted by: s in g at January 3, 2005 09:36 PM

Oh yes... As Master Yoda might say:
"Kiss floor must I, AWOL wookie army is but Grievous tasty does he look."

Posted by: Matt Adcock at January 4, 2005 10:29 AM

The terrific images spread here and there never mean a great movie.

However, George Lucas has all cards in hand not to mess everything.

And let's hope we won't have to much wookies dolls. (They look like Big foot by the way)

Posted by: ulysse at January 11, 2005 02:50 PM

is it possible that anyone can send me these cool pics from the 'i dont fear' site? please?

Posted by: Pat at January 14, 2005 09:02 AM

Yes....if someone could send it to me also, it would be fantastic. Thanks. Also, I think Episode III will be the best movie of the prequal trilogy because of the dark nature of it

Posted by: Patrick at January 21, 2005 11:35 PM

is it my eyes playing tricks or does it look like Chris Lee has no hands in the pic above??

Posted by: Andy at January 24, 2005 02:34 PM

irish jig, i thought that was funny. if you look at the very bottom of the lightsaber hilt(blue) and get a magnifing glass you can see a picture of slave 1

Posted by: josh at February 17, 2005 04:25 AM

You are correct, sir. Dooku is missing both hands...Anakin has skillfully disarmed (bad pun intended) his opponent and is trying to decide whether to arrest or kill him.

Posted by: Tim at March 11, 2005 01:01 PM