January 20, 2005

David Duchovny over hyping X-Files 2 project?

duchovny.jpgThis story has been kicking around in some form or another for a week or so, but in the British fish and chip wrapper (otherwise known as a Tabloid and the loose term Newspaper) The Sun has talked with David Duchovny, reported through IGN FilmForce, and he has been talking about start dates that he and Chris Carter have been wanting:

"Chris is working on the script right now with Frank Spotnitz, who was one of the writers on the show," said Duchovny. "Gillian Anderson, who played Dana Scully, hasn't signed yet, but we'd need to have her on board.

"When I've talked to Chris about the film, we've both said we want to start filming in winter 2005 and bring it out in the summer of 2006."

Duchovny believes there's planty of opportunity left for more stories centered around Mulder and Scully. He hopes to get in several more films before he and his co-star get too old.

As reported before, he goes on to talk about the change in plot for X-Files:

"I think we're going back to the 'monster of the week' type feel, where if you're not an avid fan and don't understand the mythology you can still come to it and get the movie. Especially because at this point, I think some people would have forgotten what the mythology was or what happened in seasons two, three and four."

So we all really knew this, nothing too knew here apart from the slight change in direction, but FilmFodder have some interesting news that makes you wonder who is marketing and who is not:

Buried deep within TV Guide Online's Ask Ausiello column lies disturbing news for "X-Files" fans. It turns out that David Duchovny's recent comments regarding "X-Files 2's" production schedule were a little premature. Well, a lot premature, actually. According to Chris Carter's agent, Elliott Webb, there's absolutely no forward progress on the project. "There is no negotiation, there's no script written, there's nothing other than a desire for people to get together," Webb says.

Is the truth really out there, or is Duchovny just doing some clever marketing? Sounds like the latter to me.

Previous stories:
X-Files 2 Right Around The Corner
David Duchovny Says 2nd X-Files Movie Coming

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 20, 2005 07:31 AM


I was one of those rabid X-Philes at least until Season 4.

Poor Mulder. Pity for Duchovny.

I feel this way for people in the business who think that they are bigger than the ones that made them. We all know "X-Files" gave him the break and then after a few seasons he left the show, thinking that he will do bigger things after it, that didnt happen. His movie career really hasnt picked up, has it? Now, he wants to associate himself with the show by saying a movie is under way when it really isnt as this report is saying. Crumbs.

I suppose wife T�a Leoni doesnt mind working doubly hard?

Posted by: Simone at January 20, 2005 08:20 AM

It�s a dead franchise. The best thing to do is to save the money and run. No chance to make anything in box office.

Posted by: Peter at January 20, 2005 12:25 PM

Dead is right. Chris Carter killed it by yanking the chain of the fans about 20 times too many. After a while the show consisted of red herring after red herring... layer after layer, and in the end there was nothing there to give the fans satisfaction or that "ah-ha!" moment of what the big picture was.


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 20, 2005 02:55 PM

Vic, replace "Chris Carter" with "J.J. Abrams" in what you said and you could be talking about "Lost" in a few years.

Anyway, the gossip has been that 20th Century Fox (the movies division) isn't interested in reviving the X-Files as a movie franchise. They conducted a marketing survey (typical procedure for any major studio) on various properties they owned and held rights to and interest by the public in another X-Files movie rated at the bottom.

Posted by: Mark at January 20, 2005 03:35 PM

Amen to that Screen Rant!

Posted by: Simone at January 20, 2005 03:37 PM

I'd love to see a new X-files movie ... if they did a stand alone film that didn't revolve around the convoluted alien plot (which is what Duchovny seems to suggest is the direction). I've been re-watching the show a lot lately on TNT, and it really was good when they did self-contained 1-hour stories. It would be a hell of a lot better than another nonsensical comic book movie anyways. I'll take X-files over X-men any day.

Posted by: The non-smoking man at January 22, 2005 05:29 AM


Funny you should mention "Lost"... I've been watching the shoe (and enjoying it) but recently there has been a scratching sound at the back door of my brain saying "I hope this has a decent explanation/conclusion".


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 22, 2005 11:48 AM

want to be a friend with u

Posted by: deva at February 4, 2005 01:12 PM

Duchovny Is the best person/actor in the world and he is my favourite person. so he should do more on x files to improve it

Posted by: Ishara at February 19, 2005 02:16 AM

Delphinium Blue (delphinium-blue.com) wrote a song "I Wanna Watch the X-Files In The Rain" in 1997 that has recently reappeared on the web after someone from England wrote something about it on Duchovny's blog. Supposedly this track has been bootlegged everywhere. A testament to Duchovny and X-Files' CONTINUING popularity.

Posted by: Julie Caron at April 4, 2005 08:31 PM

I think making stand-alone movie will be good, if they have the original actors on board. Have beign wacthing the previous x- files and i think there are some good stoylines in it. Its a very good show. Though if they are going to a movie,the director should do something about the chemistry between scully and mullder. come on the tease is too much.

Posted by: allen at June 21, 2005 08:49 PM

I think we're going back to the 'monster of the week' type feel, where if you're not an avid fan and don't understand the mythology you can still come to it and get the movie.

this makes me think its going to be when the aliens invade. think about it. david and gillian are older. well the invasion is in 2012 so that explains that. aliens invading is simple enough to grasp even if you don't know the whole story. makes sense.

Posted by: outtagoodnames [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 14, 2005 05:28 AM

I think woud be great if they make a new xfiles movie.With puting Jimmy bond chatceater in haveing peter brosman being his fater as james bond. Wich woud be unexcpetd for x files audices and james bond.Puting zukila robsion chatecer Lois or yives back in becasue when the lone gunmen or the xfiles was on we didnt know if they had a mom or father/.My home Address 717 Green wodd street Kingstion tn 37763 Woud,t mind to be in the film my self.

Posted by: Brian daivd wood at August 19, 2005 03:44 PM