January 09, 2005

Dark Phoenix Looking More Certain For X-Men 3

As mentioned in a previous post, it appears any X-Men 3 film will involve (as most people suspected all along) a Dark Phoenix story line. In a recent interview with Coming Soon, X-Men star Famke Janssen let this out:

Asked whether or not she will be back, Janssen said, "Don't know quite yet, but probably... I've heard things and they're developing the script right now, Dark Phoenix is part of that script."
Head into the Dark Phoenix story line seems like a good idea to me... but to be honest I think I'd still rather see Apocalypse or Mister Sinister show up as the villains of choice for the next film. Oh well... it's all good.

Posted by John Campea at January 9, 2005 11:23 PM


Whew! This is why I love The Movie Blog, I get the scoop here all the time! Thanks John!

I am a big fan of the X-Men comics and my favorite character of all (apart from Wolverine of course!) is Jean Grey, then later known as Dark Phoenix.

In X2's final scene we were shown that the 3rd installment will indeed be about her return seeing the image of the Phoenix just right over the body of water after she made that sacrifice. unless of course they add other stuff in X3. It will be interesting to show on film how powerful the Dark Phoenix is.

Can't wait!

Posted by: Simone at January 10, 2005 04:58 AM

I couldn't agree with you more. I was very pleased with the X-men movie -minus a few things that got me mad- and then after seeing X2 -which is better than the first- I was very happy with how they put it together. But I can remember exactly what I was feeling -like people do when Kenedy was shot- when I saw the image of the phoenix in or above the water. I thought that was a great finish to the movie. So we all knew it was going to be encorporated into the X3 film. The question is how will they do it. I agree with John, I think more of a super villian should be introduced. But depending on the longevity of the films, if this is to be the last one, why bother beating around the bush, lets just have Onslaught.

Posted by: Brad at January 10, 2005 11:36 AM

Glad you agree with me on that Brad! *winks* I share your sentiment that X2 was indeed better than the first film. But do you also feel that somehow Cyclops is being underused? I mean come on he is the leader of the X-Men but what is he allowed to do in the past 2 films, nothing much really? Maybe in the 3rd film show some side of him?

As for the Dark Phoenix, I know it's asking too much but I would like to see Phoenix devouring other galaxies to make her all-powerful, that was thrilling reading it in the comics, imagine the effect actually seeing it digitally done on film! I am sure they can get really good special effects for the 3rd film.

Do we know who is directing the 3rd film now that Brian Singer is concentrating on Superman?

Posted by: Simone at January 10, 2005 02:06 PM

How exciting. We get to see the Phoenix rise again. But I would like to see the other villains of the comic come out too. The Sentinals and all...and Gambit...the useless pointless X-Men, wouldn't it be fun to see him too? I just love watching the X-men use their powrs and fight, I never cared much for the crybaby we hate mutants story line. Just fighting and action and explosions...

Posted by: Anthony at January 10, 2005 04:11 PM

Hi Anthony! I was just thinking of the Sentinels right now! What about the Morlocks eh? Re-create that scene between Storm and Callisto maybe?

If they will indeed make this 3rd installment a Dark Phoenix movie, then it will be worth adding Madeleine Pryor to give more depth to Cyclops character. Then might as well bring in Mastermind and the whole gang from the Hellfire Club.

Somebody, please make me stop!

Posted by: Simone at January 10, 2005 05:28 PM

The Hellfire Club, Madeleine Pryor...the Morlocks...there is so much history! I don't think we could ever have it all developed and created, but wouldn't it be sweet?

I for one would love to see Storm developed more in depth, but first, recast the role! Halle cannot fill the shoes of this fantastic character.

I hope the franchise lasts and they keep producing quality stuff....we all saw how the Batman franchise was run into the ground. =/
I'm looking forward to the spring and the ressurrection of Batman!

Posted by: Meli at January 11, 2005 10:13 PM

Dark Phoenix already? I'd love to see the next movie bring in the Hellfire Club and have Jean back as Phoenix. She would need at least one full movie to transition into Dark Phoenix. Have X3 end with another Phoenix forshadowing only much 'Darker'. Or just drop the forshadowing stuff and have it end with Dark Phoenix Rising.

Posted by: david at January 12, 2005 06:08 PM

Hi Meli, you didnt stop me there you know, you even added more coal to the fire! *grins*

Yeah I agree with you there too David, maybe develop the Phoenix character further before eventually showing us Dark Phoenix, boy imagine if we get to make our own X Men movies! It'll be good!

Posted by: Simone at January 12, 2005 06:23 PM

Hey, am new to whole X-men deal. Saw films and was hooked. Previously in love with Star wars. Anyhow, are there any good sites where i can read up on all the background

Posted by: Aaron at April 4, 2005 07:54 PM

I'm a little bit concerened about the third movie, simply because of the history of third movies. This will be the first movie that Bryan (we're on a close, personal level like that) doesn't direct and that's kind of scary. His vision in the first two films was direct and specific. Much like the first two Batman films, the first two X-men were almost one movie split by one of those (Several months later) bits. It'll ruin it if the third movie (like the third Terminator movie) is something totally wall-eyed and off the chart.

Secondly, I agree with whoever it was that said Jean should become Phoenix first before becoming Dark Phoenix. (That's also another source for concern. Phoenix wasn't a mutant. It wasn't an inate ability in Jean Grey. Phoenix was basically a demi-god with no connection to humanity at all whatsoever aside from the need of a human host. I'm sure that won't be included in the film. But even if they leave that out, Phoenix was on the good side for a while. She helped out and such. Remember the white and green and gold uniform? That's the Phoenix I want to see come up out of the lake. Not some unnecessarily angry red-head in flaming bird.

No matter what happens, I guess I'll be watching--but as with all movies that supposedly complete a trilogy (Matrix Revolutions, Rise of the Machines, etc.) it will be with baited breath.

Posted by: Agent Xu at July 11, 2005 05:46 PM