January 25, 2005

Crispin Glover's What is it - Well, what the heck is it?

CrispinGlover.jpgWhat the heck?! I've just seen the trailer for Crispin Glover's movie What is it? What is it? It's exceedingly weird and quite creepy, however as far as story goes? Who the heck knows. IMDB make some attempt:

What Is It? is a bewildering, unnerving, surreal, blackly comic film from the visionary mind of Crispin Glover that tells the inner and outer struggles of a young man facing villains and demons on multiple planes.

With the tagline of:

Being the adventures of a young man whose principle interests are snails, salt, a pipe, and how to get home. As tormented by an hubristic, racist inner psyche.

Over indulgent twaddle with some breasts thrown and close to shocking images perhaps? Or maybe it's actually an insightful, surreal piece of filmaking?

Well check out the trailer (this is a direct link) found through Boing Boing. What do you think?

Posted by at January 25, 2005 05:54 PM


Sure, but he makes a living out of these weird guys. Just think of Bartleby (http://www.uk.imdb.com/title/tt0230025/) or, more commerically, the Thin Man from the two Charlie's Angels.

(BTW, even though your pages say we can use TypeKey, actually trying to use it gets an error saying your site isn't signed up for it.)

Posted by: BillSaysThis at January 25, 2005 18:42

Dude, I saw that a couple of days ago and it was so wierd I didn't even want to blog it.

What the heck happened to Glover? It's like he's become the character he played in that Charlie's Angels flick.


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 25, 2005 20:05

Glover has always been quite strange, but I never knew how strange until now. It kind of reminded me of David Lee Roth's weird personal promotional video "No Holds Bar-B-Que" that he made a few years ago. Marty McFly should worry.

Posted by: David at January 25, 2005 20:28

Crispin is one of the most intelligent guys in the business.

Posted by: Peter at January 25, 2005 20:29

I'm going to be blunt:

That footage looks like it crawled out of David Lynch's ass.

Posted by: evergreen at January 26, 2005 00:32

I Think I saw a pair of new pants in there somewhere. Might belong to the Emperor?

Seriously: The trailer is crap. I agree with evergreen.

Posted by: Al-xx at January 26, 2005 01:58

I think he's a straightup madman. But he's been that way for a while. Remember, he was kicked off Letterman in 1987 for being a jackass.

See screencaps here: http://www.waxy.org/random/images/weblog/crispin_on_letterman_1987.jpg

Posted by: Mike Browne at January 26, 2005 03:18

I think this looks sweet.
I heard hes been working on this off and on for close to 20 years using money from his roles in feature films to help finance its construction.

To me the trailer helps sell the title and it has the feel of 60s psychadelic italian film.

Plot or no plot I cant wait to see it.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 26, 2005 04:30

was it on letterman or leno where he did the interview on acid? i can;t rmemeber...but it was a great interview.

Posted by: miles at January 27, 2005 10:10

I saw Crispin on Letterman last year, so he's off Dave's blacklist. I remember the much earlier appearance that got him in trouble with Dave. He did a karate kick that came a bit too close to Dave's face for comfort. He was definitely acting odd that night; maybe he was on acid.

Posted by: Bill G. at January 27, 2005 17:04

Actually, that Letterman appearance was all a scripted/planned act. It was meant to promote his new film Rubin And Ed, in which he plays the character Rubin Farr. Crispin went on Letterman AS Rubin Farr...and there was no acid involved.

Anyone who knows even a smidgen about the man knows that he is a big fan of counter-culture, and this film is a part of that. It is surreal, thought-provoking, and yes, weird. That is sort of the definition of counter-culture...culture that is not 'normal,' which is thus by definition deemed 'weird.'

Anyway, I look forward to seeing this movie.

*end rant*

Posted by: amouse at January 29, 2005 15:36

Your wrong. He didn't plan that out. Go back to jerking off to willard. The man is a looney. Nothing more. Fucking faggot.

Posted by: Robert Buro at February 09, 2005 11:08

Please! It was an act. Only blind can't see that. And his movies looks interesting.

Posted by: Tanya at February 19, 2005 15:27

Don't confuse creative genuis with being insane. Just because someone is crazy enough to produce such material doesn't mean it is entertaining, enlightening, or intelligent.

Posted by: Matt at March 06, 2005 09:43

YEah, its going to be entertaining Matt, you ignorant fuck ass/. And I know it wasnt an act, whoever said it was. That was really him acting the way he does. GO DIE.

Posted by: ima kill u at March 07, 2005 11:15

I saw "What is it?" a few years ago. It was a ROUGH cut and had terrible sound. It was part of a tour Glover did called "Crispin Hellion Glover's Big Slide Show." He did book readings and such with pics of his collage books.


At the time, I though "What is it?" was more like "What's the point?" However, I've never been able to get it out of my mind. It was so visually mind-altering, and... well, my point is, it's NOT A STORY OR ANYTHING YOU'D REMEMBER FOR ITS PLOT. Really, it's a piece of art. And you'll have to watch it with that in mind. Don't expect to "get" it, and do expect to hate it. I used to hate it. But I'm actually looking forward to seeing the finished version. That's what art does. It agitates and stays with you, even if you don't know what you saw.

Posted by: lfot at March 19, 2005 14:09

Tomorrow when you wake up you will still be loser nobodies posting on a lame forum and Crispin Glover will still be a mad genius.

So there.

Posted by: Carl Rogers at March 21, 2005 07:05

I'm curious to see the film but judging from the trailor it could go either way. I enjoy unique "art" films but there really should be some substance along with the unusual images. He is dancing on a fine line between art and complete crap...

Posted by: rocknroll at April 01, 2005 11:11

look, i try not to be really judgemental or anything... but when I saw the Letterman thing, I really started to think this guy was looney. And then 'Clowny Clown Clown'... the video is just screwed up, like a twisted third grader's fantasies. Complete with third grade 'scraping for a word to rhyme' rhymes.
Many people think that he was on acid during the interview, and many people think he wasn't. From what I've seen, I don't think he was on acid. He might very well be paranoid... thats what I'm starting to think after seeing how he had the newspaper articles etc... I think he may need some time with a psychiatrist. I haven't seen his other work so I don't know if it is what I call 'art' and I'm not suggesting that he get help so that his work is 'normal' but I think that maybe he has some problems that would make his life easier if they were addressed.

Posted by: some average guy at May 01, 2005 03:03

listen up douche, that was the front of your brain speaking. ok and.. uh .. you are being exactly what your saying you are tyring not to be.. judgemental . and i can imagine that glover doesnt need your advice on counselling matters dunce. but uh.. thanks.

Posted by: dj at May 01, 2005 10:09

Your all crazy. I was just readin this because of a compfused video compilation of how insane Crispin Glover is. http://www.compfused.com/directlink/746/ If he isn't crazy then he is just stupid. Either way he is not worth wasting more than this post on.

Posted by: MaddMat at July 30, 2005 02:32


...as far as I'm concerned whether you like "What is it?" and Crispin Hellion Glover or hate him you have all done exactly what he wanted...

...you have cared enough and devoted enough emotion to his work to have formed an opinion and made a comment!

So...for those that appreciate the intelligent, eccentric and painstakingly thought-out work he produces then I'm with you.

For those of you that hate him well, you have wasted precious time and emotional energy on his subject material and on reading this post.

Sucked in.

Oh, and for Robert Buro (and any similar posts) who posted :

"...Go back to jerking off to willard. The man is a looney. Nothing more. Fucking faggot"

I pity you for having such a boring and meaningless life that you must resort to purile insults to give meaning to your existence. Never mind, one day someone will say something nice about you and you will once again have a purpose.

Posted by: Shaitaan at September 09, 2005 12:19

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