January 31, 2005

Bookies call end to Bond betting - Insider betting?

DougrayScott.jpg...and the speculation keeps going. The BBC are now reporting that the British Bookmaker William Hill have closed all bets on Bond. Why? Well someone placed a "large bet" which has panicked them into early closure, especially after the person announced that they had insider information. Right, let's get the facts and come back to that.

The firm closed the book on Friday, saying "insider information" could have contributed to the number of bets.

Mr Adams said one punter had placed a bet of £870 on the 39-year-old actor at odds of 8-1.

"She told us she had some inside information, perhaps she knew he had been to a casting, but she wouldn't say," he said.

Okay, here I am back. £870 is a large bet for someone with inside information? If I knew that there had been a casting and I also knew it was all agreed, I'd be in there with thousands, or if I couldn't I'd not announce it to the Bookmakers without telling all my friends! Yet a mere £870?

Another dampner on the story:

A large number of bets on actor Colin Salmon to become the first black James Bond were dismissed as a publicity stunt a month ago.

Alarm bells ring. Yeah, it could just be another stunt, however the fact that they've actually closed the bets is an interesting sign, and I'm still writing it up! However, I actually think Scott would be an excellent choice, so I'm hoping.

Closing odds:

Dougray Scott - 6/9
Clive Owen - 5/2
Hugh Jackman - 4/1
Ewan McGregor - 4/1

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 31, 2005 07:55 AM


Oh man is anybody else like me really just tired about all things Bond? Maybe like Trek, this is one franchise that needs to go into hibernation for several years.

Posted by: Mark at January 31, 2005 12:11 PM

Mark, I'm not really tired of Bond but I had a different thought about why the franchise should hibernate or else make a very big change: Where, exactly, in this modern world would a 39 year old British man have fought to develop the (naval!) backstory of Commander James Bond? Through the '60s and '70s, maybe even the '80s to early '90s, he could have fought in WW2, Korea or even Vietnam. But in 2006, that means he was about nine when Vietnam ended!

So I think that the most reasonable way--without re-inventing Bond's personal history--to reinvigorate the franchise (and possible cut back the getting out of hand budgets too) is to return to the original Fleming roots and make period pieces set in the '50s. How do you all feel about that?

Posted by: BillSaysThis at January 31, 2005 01:00 PM

Bill Clinton said it best, when he was advising Senator Kerry: Americans don't care about the past. So quit dwelling in the past.

While Bond is British, a large part of the franchise's audience is American. As a movie geek, I would appreciate a throw-back to the 1950s for Bond, but I don't think it would sell well. And I bet that both the Brocolli family and MGM feel the same way about this matter.

I think the alternate would be to do a full reinvention -- a "Bond Begins", essentially. For example, have him be in his mid-30s right now; have the movie open with him working with the British Special Forces somewhere in Iraq. With his history, and prior spy work, it could be said he first worked on missions during the first Gulf War.

Posted by: Mark at January 31, 2005 08:45 PM

No, I really agree with Mark! Now I�m young, so I don�t really have as much credibility in this topic. But when the classic Bond was the staple to your childish spy games at grandma�s house�you really grow sentimental to them. Now we have these newer movies with basically the same characters as in the older ones, but made to fit life in the new millennia�and an almost revamped Bond. Sorry when I watched the new ones�and I mean even with Berry and Richards as bond girls I kind of lost it. I mean just got really tired of Bond.

I just couldn�t get excited for another Bond movie�revamped or not.

It would be like watching Rocky 12, or Star Wars 11, or Indian Jones 6�you know. We just need a rest!

As a Bond fan�some things in this franchise should just be left in the fans imagination�not made into another movie.


Posted by: Justin at January 31, 2005 08:53 PM

Elaborating on my "Bond Begins" idea:

I'd make Bond a young man during the first Gulf War, which is when he first got recruited by M5. The "M" he answered to then was an old man.

I'd bring back Jaws. He could have been a soldier in the first Gulf War in one of the armies of the allied countries. (Polish perhaps?) He lost his lower jaw during a mortar attack, for example.

Between the first Gulf War and the Iraq War, Bond hasn't been "activated" by M5. Now he has been, and he's on his first, official mission. The "M" he answers to is now a woman, the successor to the old man.

"Q" and "R" -- I think I'd bring back "Q" and keep him as an elderly gent still. But I'd have Bond work with "R" more ("R" would appear on the field to rendezvous with Bond). Don't laugh: But I would suggest casting Daniel Radcliffe for the role of "R". Like Bond, he's also a bit "green" on this first mission.

The settings: I'd have it set in parts of India and Pakistan. In fact, perhaps the plot should have something to do with these countries: Bond has to prevent the Evil Villain from escalating tensions between the two nations.

Why is Evil Villain doing this? Hey, this is a Bond flick, so we can get away by saying he wants to contrive a war so that the faltering war industies he runs can bid on private military contracts. This is where Jaws could fit in: He's a "private security consultant" (i.e. a mercenary). I would make the private military industry (i.e. Halliburton) the bad guy in this.

My fellow Americans: Our armed forces, soldiers and the CIA would be depicted as being pretty powerful and ominous but largely ineffective, and compromised by both the villain and its own bureaucracy, to be able to effectively prevent this war from happening. So there would be good forces and bad elements among the Americans. Some assisting Bond (but their hands are tied behind their backs); some bad, who stand to profit from Evil Villain's plans.

I would keep the gadget tech within the realm of possibility -- basically, extrapolating from geek tech we know of today and what's coming right around the corner.

Yes, Bond would still be fucking chicks. Hot chicks. I'd make one Bond Girl Indian -- get a well-known Indian actress for the role.

At the end of successfully completing his mission, "M" makes Bond an offer: Become an official member of M5. He accepts. And, thus, he's given the number designation: "007".

Posted by: Mark at January 31, 2005 09:13 PM

Mark, not a bad idea at all, works for me.

Posted by: BillSaysThis at January 31, 2005 11:03 PM

Jesus Mark -- you're GOOD at this (I loved your X-Men sequel ideas too). Are you an aspiring screenwriter? Because, really, you ought to give this a try. :) I'd watch your reinvention of Bond.

I can easily picture your Bond and R in a balls-to-the-wall action sequence where Bond is racing a British Royal Forces "desert rat" dune buggy across the Iraqi desert.

I think that's what the Bond franchise needs: A rebirth along with a more nitty-gritty realistic approach. Bond can still be a ladies man, but while he's out on the field, the approach should be more like a British version of Rainbow Six with bitchin' gadgets.

Posted by: Franklin at January 31, 2005 11:45 PM

Even better would be a "close-out" tribute to the Bond franchise...I see it now.

The Bond flick where that land mine was just too tricky for him to deactivate in the end.

Just kidding ;P

Posted by: Justin at February 2, 2005 04:26 AM

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