January 09, 2005

Bill Murray has his say on his awkwardness

BillMurray5.jpgThere have been a lot of reports of Bill Murray being difficult to work with, and indeed we reported one of those very stories not that long ago. Just recently though Bill has had his say about his perceived awkwardness, and much like Samuel L Jackson's recent frankness, I think he's got a point, in this example anyway.

Associated Press through Yahoo put forward Bill's comments on a recent outburst on set:

Recently on the set of his still-untitled film for director Jim Jarmusch, Murray got into a fracas with the location manager when he arrived at a rented house for a scene with child actors and discovered that there was no heat. When he started a fire in the fireplace, the location manager told him to stop.

"'Who are you?'" Murray told her. "She said, 'I'm locations.' I said, 'Well, if locations had done their job and made sure it was warm enough for these people, we wouldn't be lighting a fire in the fireplace.'"

But at the wrap party, Murray approached the woman again. "I said, 'You know, we had our moment, and I don't apologize for that for a second.'" But she had excelled at other aspects of her job, and Murray told her so. "I wanted to let her know I could see it both ways."

Sounds pretty reasonable to me, and that Bill was just being a nice guy to the cold crew. Still, there's always spin on every story isn't there? He goes on to make another excellent point, and one which I think I'll hold onto for future use:

"If it keeps obnoxious people away, that's fine," he tells Time magazine in its editions on sale Monday. "It makes me think of that line you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. People say this to you with a straight face, and I always say, 'Who. Wants. Flies?'"

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 9, 2005 09:56 AM



One thing I've been doing for that past couple years is trying to just focus on the artists work. It helps me just enjoy the performance, movie, music etc.
I could really give a damn about what these people are like in their off-hours.

That being said, I don't mean to slam The Movie Blog for posting stuff like this...I like the mix between news and editorial here.


Posted by: Kurt at January 9, 2005 11:30 AM

I think that was fair.

They're still humans just like us, so what if they lose it once in a while?

Lik Kurt, I dont let some actor's idiosyncrasies get in the way of their talent, I pay money to watch good acting, as for how they conduct themselves around other people, as long its not me personally, I really dont have a problem with that.

Posted by: Simone at January 9, 2005 11:57 AM

I totally agree guys. I thought this would be a good balancing story to the news that has been coming out about his alleged awkwardness.

However, it's worth remembering that this is the behaviour reported on set, so it's not so much part of his private life. Looking at Movies means the whole movie making process, and that includes the on set production and that process involves the actors on set.

Plus there's the whole personalities aspect, the stars are personalities and go a long way to sell themselves on that.

All that said, I don't really care too much for gossip on movie professionals personal lives, unless it is deliberately influencing an actual movie production.

Posted by: Richard at January 9, 2005 05:18 PM