January 18, 2005

Batman+Ninjas = JOY

Batman_Ninja.jpgWhy is this coolest fricken picture in the fricken whole wide fricken world??? 2 Reasons. 1) Bat-fricken-man. 2) Fricken NINJAS!!! That's what more movies need today! More fricken NINJAS!!!! Yeah!!!! Ok.. I gotta take a cold shower. :) (John is a happy man)

Posted by John Campea at January 18, 2005 08:17 AM


While I haven't seen it yet, methinks it wouldn't matter how many ninjas were in Elektra to make it a good movie. Reviews are just horrible for this one.

Posted by: Nala at January 18, 2005 11:22 AM

Yeah... but those were gay whimpy ninjas. These are kick-ass BATMAN fricken Ninjas! :)

Posted by: John Campea at January 18, 2005 11:31 AM

What I can't shake is that everything I hear about this movie feels like it came out of The Animated Series. BTAS is my favorite "filmed" version of Batman, and I'm a bit concerned that this will pale (sorry, but the still above doesn't inspire confidence...)

Posted by: Roger at January 18, 2005 12:24 PM

Batman: The Animated Series is the definitive Batman for me.

But I'm a geek.

Posted by: Nala at January 18, 2005 02:30 PM

I won't include a link here since that seems to hose my comment posts, but if you visit my site at the link below and scroll down a bit I have a link to a few more photos that definitely demonstrate some Batman bad-ass attitude. :-)


Posted by: Screen Rant at January 18, 2005 03:18 PM

this movie is going to be the defining moment for christian bale. at first you really don't know him from anything but shaft and american phsyco right... WRONG! if there is a christian bale movie you must see, it's equilibrium. damn near close to the matrix in storyline and surpases in martial arts. so therefore i will be one of the first to see this movie. don't down it becuase of the reviews. see it for yourself. because if you are reluctant to see a movie because of the reviews, that's a question of self-confidence.

Posted by: leo at January 18, 2005 03:40 PM

Please. Don't. Suck.

Posted by: Mark at January 18, 2005 04:14 PM

Hey wait a sec their Leo you forgot The Machinist... but then again so did rest of America.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 18, 2005 05:54 PM


Posted by: Marla Singer at January 19, 2005 03:10 PM

Well I cant wait to see this film. I seriously think its gonna be better than the others (including Burton's version).

Posted by: Salem at January 19, 2005 04:14 PM

I agree with Salem. There is a lot of care and hard work going into this Batman movie. All the "right" people are involved. This movie can't arrive to my local theater soon enough.

Posted by: Diskjokk at January 20, 2005 09:21 AM

Batman plus ninjas = corny crapness. Its like someone though I know whats cool, batman, but whats cooler........ NINJAS so lets put them together that would be awesome. And of course ninjas are white men with moustaches that go around killing evil...................... Its like a corny b grade horror flick

Posted by: bleeeper at July 21, 2005 08:20 AM