January 20, 2005

Assault On Precinct 13 Reviews

AssaultOnPrecinct13_Poster.jpgThis is a film I've been looking forward to seeing... if for no other reason than I like cheesy action flicks. Not to mention I also like Gabriel Byrne, Laurence Fishburne and Ethan Hawke. So the odds are in my favour.

The reviews are coming in, and so far they look pretty positive for the most part. Here's what some of the critics have to say:

"Richet has managed to keep the suspense tight and action hard-hitting while adding considerable texture to the story and getting the most out of a strong supporting cast that includes Gabriel Byrne, Maria Bello, Brian Dennehy and John Leguizamo."

"One of the few good things to be said about Assault on Precinct 13 is that, early in the new season, we get one of the year's worst movies over and done with."
-- Michael Booth, DENVER POST

"Hawke and Fishburne make it work, supported by a mostly strong cast."
-- Jami Bernard, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

"Assault can't be called great, but it has the guts to throw all its hard-core chips into the pot, which makes it almost as much of a butt-kicking novelty as Carpenter's original."

"Strong performances and a couple of new twists."

I'll be there on Friday night. If you'd like to read more critics reviews for 13 you can check out rottentomatoes.

Posted by John Campea at January 20, 2005 06:41 AM


I have always liked Ethan Hawke, he does so well in most of the films that he's been in (he also kinna looks like Tom Cruise and Christian Bale) but I've never really pictured him as an action star not until "Training Day" I guess, which then of course he proved me wrong.

So when I heard about the remake of this movie which he will be starring in, I cant wait for it. From the trailer alone it already looks very good, then add Fishburne and Byrne?


Posted by: Simone at January 20, 2005 08:33 AM

I read somewhere that John Leguizamo got a chance to improvise a lot of his scenes in this film. That he and Fishbourne "lit up the screen" whenever they were in a scene together. Leguizamo is one of my favorite actors. Yeah, I can't wait to see this.

Posted by: Diskjokk at January 20, 2005 11:10 AM

I've been reading up on the other reviews and it seems to be mostly positive feedbacks, all praises for Ethan Hawke too!

Posted by: Simone at January 20, 2005 08:16 PM

Sorry, this movie was terrible; one of the worst I've ever seen. And to think that I paid to see it.
Some fine examples of horrible acting (Brian D, why couldn't you have stayed dead after Tommy Boy?), pointless and hollow characters, the plot was full of holes (granted this is just a remake), the secret "inside job" was predictable, any of the so-called "twists" were boring and expected, the effects were atrocious (does everyone always get shot in the head in real life?), and the parts that were supposed to be funny were not.
I stayed in the theater till the end of this garbage for the simple reason that I wanted to see just how painful getting toothpicks shoved under my fingernails actually is. It hurts.
The popcorn was good.

Posted by: Alex at January 26, 2005 09:30 PM

The movie sucked hard-core. I am a huge fan of John Carpenter's original movie. It really sucks that writers and directors today have to remake and ruin so many originals of yester-years. I hope to god that the movie Ricochet does not get done.

Posted by: Rob at January 28, 2005 03:11 PM

I dont remember the remake now but I thought this one was alright, not brilliant that I would go over the moon with but fine nonetheless.

I'd like to see Ethan Hawke do more action films.

Posted by: Simone at January 29, 2005 06:47 PM

Yeah yo this movie was sick. Sexy girls, nice acting, funny parts, good plot, lots of action. Could have done more with Ja Rule, who is a better actor then some may think and certainly outdoes all the other rapper turned actors, with the exception of eminem and DMX(only in cradle 2 the grave) and John Leiguazamo who is hilarious while he lasts. Love it when him and Ja go all out on that guy with the bat and sword. Priceless. Great movie worthy 4/5 star rating one star off for being 108 minutes thats about 20 to long. Either way it rocked.

Posted by: Jim at January 31, 2005 10:56 AM