January 21, 2005

Arnold says he won't be back to Terminator 4 Producers, unless...

ArnoldPolitician.jpgJust confirmation from a rumour carried in a previous story that Arnold Schwarzenegger will not appear in Terminator 4, despite what the executives (and us) would prefer.

Terminator 3 made a poor movie for the Terminator franchise, sure there were good action set pieces in it, and the underlying idea was quite a clever one, but the continuity errors and the very poor new Terminator model just didn't work. I mean what Terminator needs to look to screen and monologue, then prance along like a catwalk model with bad wind? Anyway, I digress.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, through Coming Soon, Arnie has said:

...they will never see me for one second in the movie...

The full quote is open to a bit of misunderstanding...

The governor said he had been approached about making a brief appearance in "Terminator 4,'' but has told producers "they will never see me for one second in the movie" unless the film is made in California. It's planned to be shot in Budapest.

...with the unless it's in California indicating he would if there were scenes to shoot over there, yet it's not in quotes and presumably not said by the big man. So we can safely assume he's not doing it.

Still it's going ahead with John Brancato and Michael Ferris (*cough Catwoman cough*) completing a draft of a script that was developed under the supervision of Jonathan Mostow.

Posted by at January 21, 2005 12:59 PM


"We Want..." TERMINATOR 4!.
"When do we want it.. NOW!

Posted by: matrix_24_au at May 13, 2005 05:31 AM


woot MOTHER FUCKERS terM 4 WOOT!!!!!!!!

Posted by: WOOT at July 24, 2005 02:43 PM

we want terminator 4 sonn
we want arnold schwarzenegger in terminator 4

Posted by: zakaria patel at September 9, 2005 06:24 AM

we want terminator 4 soon
we want arnold schwarzenegger in terminator 4

Posted by: zakaria patel at September 9, 2005 06:24 AM

yes no one could shoot T4

go arnold go for T4 we want the future war i want to see the machines models and techs the wow HKs the ground and air units

Posted by: cableguy_mcm at October 10, 2005 11:45 PM

arnold where is ur "I'll be back"

come back to T4 with ur T800 endo

i expect a huge technology in T4 as it will be the war in the future

we can see the machines , the battle units

i love this movie

Posted by: cableguy_mcm at October 10, 2005 11:50 PM