January 28, 2005

Angelina Jolie signed up for another spy's wife in The Good Sheperd

AngelinaJolie.jpgAngelina Jolie is to return as a spy following her recent screen time with Mr and Mrs Smith. Coming Soon are reporting that she is joining Matt Damon in the CIA story The Good Shepard.

We already reported about the hot swap of Damon for DiCaprio, and the storyline of a retelling of the CIA opening history from the viewpoint of a founding agent does sound like good movie fodder, but the concern about the stock Bourne style and acting was very much in the forefront. So now Jolie's hot off another spy thriller of a similar MTV style ilk. Is it just me or does that sound like lazy casting teams?

A little bit more of the story is revealed:

The movie is an Eric Roth-scripted history of the CIA as seen through the eyes of a career agent whose marriage is destroyed by the stress and difficulties of the job. Jolie has been tapped to play the wife.

Posted by at January 28, 2005 03:56 AM


Maybe this film could be Robert De Niros return to form. He is having another directorial stab, so maybe he can direct a good performance out of his self! Lets hope so

Posted by: David Terry at January 28, 2005 09:11 AM


Posted by: Justin at February 2, 2005 04:10 AM

Coming from Mexico I had the opportunity to watch Alec Von Bargen in his many roles both on television and in the movies. To many Hollywood goers he may still be an unknown, however, he is an actor with great depth, amazing versatility and is impressively talented. From his millions of fans in Latin America and those from all over the world that have watched his work, we all look very forward to watching The Good Sheperd!

Posted by: Fred Ponce de Leon at August 11, 2005 04:56 AM