January 28, 2005

Abrams takes Felicity lead Keri Russell to MI:3

Also check out Rotten Tomatoes Mission Impossible 3 or FilmForce Mission Impossible 3

KeriRussell.jpegNews from Dark Horizons through JoBlo on MI:3 in the form of Abrams taking on his current hot series lead for the movie:

Abrams just added a significant degree of hotness to his directorial debut MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 by adding Keri Russell to the cast. Russell is currently starring in THE UPSIDE OF ANGER, which had its premiere at Sundance, and it seems she and other members of the cast were in the "Foundry Grill and Owl Bar" in Park City and she let it slip that she would be starring in MISSION...Russell played the title role in Abrams' "Felicity".

Well done her, could it be that she's set for greater things than Abrams previous female lead who's career isn't doing so well with the fizzle of Elektra? Personally I think he should have gone with Garner for the lead here...much ermm...better acting.

So far though, the cast list is looking good:

Tom Cruise, Eileen Atkins, Kenneth Branagh, Ricky Gervais, Scarlett Johansson, Justin Kirk, Carrie-Anne Moss and Ving Rhames.

Well, apart from Cruise.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 28, 2005 04:05 AM


I'm hoping that Abrams can get Philip Seymour Hoffman back on board again to play the villain (Kenneth Branagh is scheduled to take over the role). Originally Cruise wanted Hoffman for the part as he wanted to work with him again (they worked together on Magnolia, if you'll recall), but Hoffman either dropped out due to scheduling conflicts or declined due to money or creative issues. :-(

Posted by: Mark at January 28, 2005 05:58 AM

Keri Russel?

Not my top pick, and not yours either I guess ... the pic you have with this post is Silverstone isn't it? It sure doesn't look like Russel!

Posted by: mercer at January 28, 2005 07:41 AM

I agree that Hoffman should play the villain in this. And forget Keri -- I'm with John; Jennifer Gardner should be in this playing a post-op transexual henchperson to Hoffman. In fact, maybe the plot should be about Hoffman's character unleashing I dunno a virus that causes people exposed to it to become transgendered and the hetero male protagonist that Tom Cruise plays (and plays so convincingly well!) has to stop Hoffman (who should play it asexually which he's great at!).

It should all culminate with a girl-on-post-op-girl fight between the girly Charlotte Johanson and manjaw Gardner (hey, that's what her character could be called: Manjaw!). Man that would be so hot to see! I'm getting HAWT just writing this...ungh! You know what would be even more super hot? Get that Chinese girl whose in every cool Chinese movie that comes to the U.S.--Zang YiYi. Isn't she amazing??! She can do karate, drama, is pretty and looks like she's 12! Imagine her, Charlotte and Gardner all together in one movie-- there would be a chick type for every dude (and certain gals into that thing) to get hot on!

Gawd I could write this on the set as they're shooting it, which is how they've written the first two Mission Incredibles!

Posted by: Franklin at January 28, 2005 12:13 PM

Eghhh... I can't Russle nor Garner,

Seems like Twiggy (ahem) Moss and Scarlet will have pull Keri's weight in the acting area.

Posted by: Jaemeel at January 31, 2005 12:14 PM

You guys are on crack. Keri Russell rocks!

Posted by: JimmyJ at January 31, 2005 07:35 PM