January 06, 2005

A less complex summary of The Jacket

StraightJacket.jpgConfused, I certainly was when reading the blurb for The Jacket from a previous article about the movie. However, thanks to Rope of Silicons' Sundance Preview Part 1, I understand a lot more:

The film tells the tale of Jack Starks (Brody) as he returns home to his native home in Vermont after he miraculously escaped death in the Gulf War. Upon his arrival he is wrongly accused of murder and thanks to a bout of amnesia is not able to defend himself, landing him in an asylum, where Dr. Becker (Kris Kristofferson) is developing a heavy course of experimental drugs.

Drugged up and locked away in the body drawer of the basement morgue, Jack's treatment transports him through time, where he finds love with Jackie (Knightley) and his own death (but not who did it or how) in four day's time. Ultimately, the only question that matters is: can he stop it?

Much, much better, thanks guys. They go on to provide some Sundance critique:

Sundance writer, Shari Frilot, describes the film as beautifully rendered, dramatically enthralling, and intellectually stimulating, The Jacket proves John Maybury's enormous talent for focusing his skills as a painter and experimental filmmaker on the craft of storytelling.

Everything I like in a movie. Oh, apart from...Ah, here's the girlfriend home!

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 6, 2005 01:08 PM

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