January 25, 2005

2005 Oscar Nominations

Oh why not, everyone else is! You can check out the full list at the Oscars site, but let's do a quick run down of the top awards...where's the Top of the Pops theme tune when you need it.

Actor in a Leading Role Don Cheadle - HOTEL RWANDA Johnny Depp - FINDING NEVERLAND Leonardo DiCaprio - THE AVIATOR Clint Eastwood - MILLION DOLLAR BABY Jamie Foxx - RAY

Actor in a Supporting Role
Thomas Haden Church - SIDEWAYS
Clive Owen - CLOSER

Actress in a Leading Role
Annette Bening - BEING JULIA
Catalina Sandino Moreno - MARIA FULL OF GRACE
Imelda Staunton - VERA DRAKE

Actress in a Supporting Role
Cate Blanchett - THE AVIATOR
Laura Linney - KINSEY
Virginia Madsen - SIDEWAYS
Sophie Okonedo - HOTEL RWANDA
Natalie Portman - CLOSER

Animated Feature Film


Best Picture

Writing (Original Screenplay)

What do you think, more to the point take a look at the complete list and post who you think are going to be the winners, or rather who you think should be the winners. If everyone posts their personal winners, then before the Oscars themselves we will gather together the numbers and post the Movie Blog skewed Oscars! So get voting!

John, Miles - let's keep ours until last so as not to skew the skewed results...if you know what I mean!

The Oscars approach, if you want to get your votes in, do it now before they are all counted and the post made!

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 25, 2005 10:34 AM


I need a clarification. Am I mad or was there a fascinating film released last fall entitled Stage Beauty with a stunning performance by Billy Cruddup? And if so, why has he been completely ignored by the awards process? Any thoughts please, I am clearly confused or misguided, or simply appreciative of a performance in a indepedent film that explores the issues of sexual identify gracefully and with great acting. Obviously I am out of tune with the awards givers if not the universe.

Posted by: Randy at January 25, 2005 11:02 AM

Animated Feature Film

i can only laugh at the stupidity of the people who choose these two movies.

Posted by: venger at January 25, 2005 11:33 AM


Depp, Owen, Winslet, Portman. Incredibles, Scorcese (although it would be great to see Mike Leigh get it), and, oooh, I don't know... Sideways? Haven't seen it yet, but it seems to be the only Best Picture nominee that wasn't created with the sole intention of being nominated for Best Picture. Eternal Sunshine, which should have been up for Best Picture as well. Other things that should happen: Clint Eastwood to be finally put out to pasture, where he stare at things with flinty-eyed determination to his little heart's content. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy to unexpectedly win Best Documentary. Michael Moore and Mel Gibson to be locked in a tiny sauna together for the duration of the ceremony, which will be filmed with hidden cameras and shown regularly throughout the night so people can laugh at them.

Posted by: tom at January 25, 2005 11:56 AM

Well lets see if I can truly say what I am thinking without offending anyone. I will do my best:

Actor in a Leading Role: Well I would personally like to see Jamie Fox win; but I am affraid that this one will more than likley go to Leonardo DiCaprio -Denzell just won 2 years ago, and I think they put a 10 year waiting period on black men-.
Actor in a Supporting Role:If the Oscar goes to Leo, then I would like to see Jamie Fox get this one, lets face it, mabye he is listed here because they don't plan on giving it to him for Ray. -But lets be serious it will be Alan Alda or Morgan Freman god knows he's due-
Actress in a Leading Role: I think this one will go to Annette Bening.
Actress in a Supporting Role: Please let it be Natalie Portman. -I just want to take her home with me, and come on people she was an X-Stripper in that flick, tell me you don't think she has a great a$$-
Animated Film: Incredables
Directing: This is a difficult one, on one side you have one of the greatest directors of all time, and on the other you have one of the greatest directors of the past 2 decades -let us not forget Unforgiven- I think I am going to have to go for Clint on this one.
Best Pic: Again I hear alot of things about Million Dollar Baby.
Best Writing: This one I feel will go to ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, just because of the amount of creativity behind it.

Well those are my pics, let me know if you think I am way off.

Posted by: Brad at January 25, 2005 12:33 PM

the golden globes can alwasy tell u how the oscars are gonna end up most of the time.

there is something missing tho. TOM CRUISE?! COLLATERAL?! HELLO?!

Posted by: Marla Singer at January 25, 2005 03:32 PM

Actually Marla, surprisingly I'm with you. I tend to think Cruise is quite good but he does play himself a lot. However his turn at a baddie is wonderful, he's perfect for it, he just has that aura of being cold and calculating far more than he does endearing and unassuming.

Posted by: Richard at January 25, 2005 03:36 PM

Spider-Man 2 should have been nominated for, and given, Best Motion Picture. Nothing in any of the other films is as good as the fight on the clocktower/train. Failing that, Eternal Sunshine should have.. oh, forget it.

I haven't seen The Aviator, but I have a strong suspicion it will win a lot since they probably feel guilty about getting his hopes up for Gangs of New York then giving him nothing. That was kinda funny though. Can't they just say "Sorry, you should have won for GoodFellas and Taxi Driver, here ya go, sorry they're late".

Posted by: Tricky at January 25, 2005 04:14 PM

Actor - Leo Di Caprio

Sup. Actor - Jamie Foxx

Actress - Hillary Swank

Sup. Actress - Cate Blanchett

Animated - Incredibles

Directing - Aviator

Picture - Aviator

Writing - Aviator

And if these are not the prizes... to hell with ya!

Posted by: Peter at January 25, 2005 04:23 PM

Am I the only one that doesn't care about the Oscars? If a movie's good, people will watch it. You don't need all the damn politics and award shows to tell people how good a movie is.

The greatest movies always get snubbed because of what gets shown to the academy, who's buddies with who, and whatnot.

Movies don't need to be glorified excessively like this. Just watch them and be happy your eyes and mind have been blessed.

Posted by: Andrew E. at January 25, 2005 06:10 PM

Marla/Richard: That's the reason why I dont buy this hype about Jamie Foxx being nominated for a Best Supporting Actor in "Collateral" whilst Tom Cruise gets nothing, nada, and I mean no disrespect to Mr. Foxx. So imagine my surprise when Foxx wasnt nominated for that award in the Academy. Whew!

As for Tom Cruise being snubbed anew, I think there's a conspiracy going on, but I dont really care anymore.

Posted by: Simone at January 25, 2005 06:47 PM

Well said Andrew!
The problem with the Acadamy Awards, the Golden Globes, SAG Awards, etc. lies in the massive glorification of certain films and the blatent disregard of other, normaly better films.
It is a safe bet that The Avator will win best picture, why? Because it was made specificly to win best picture, that's how this whole system of massive celebrity ego-jacking works.
Honestly, does anyone really think the life of a YOUNG Hughs is all that exciting of film worthy, make a film about his decent into maddness, cast someone who can grasp his decaying grip on reality and personify it on screen, that's a movie right there...

Posted by: Chris at January 25, 2005 06:59 PM

I don't watch the Oscars anymore. You wanna know why? Because they don't even award the true best picture anymore. LOTR won last year and it was for goddamn sympathy! Chicago winning best picture in 2003? You gotta be effin' kidding me! Gladiator over Traffic? OMG.

I've seen almost every film on the lists (with the exception of the short films)

Best film: Million Dollar Baby
Best director: Clint Eastwood
Actor: Jamie Foxx
Actress: Hilary Swank
S. Actor: Church
S. Actress: Madsen
Editing: Aviator
Cinematography: House of Flying Daggers
Documentary: Born into Brothels
Makeup: Passion of the Christ
Ad. Screenplay: Million Dollar Baby
Ori. Screenplay: Eternal Sunshine
Art Direction: Aviator
Costume Design: Lemony Snicket
Score: JNH, The Village
Sound: Incredibles
Sound Mixing: Incredibles
VFX: Spider-Man 2
Animated Film: Incredibles
Foreign Film: Downfall

Posted by: Dan at January 26, 2005 12:53 AM

I have no real favorite. But I am happy that both Clive Owen and Natalie Portman are up there on the list. They both did very well in Closer.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at January 27, 2005 07:35 AM

Dear Sir,
Good Morning,
I apologize to say rather state that I have made
made many Hollywood movies without keeping a bond with you which you must have seen,there is a simple proof for it that when you match the dialogues of encyclopaedia's- Titanic's-plays-plays & movers's,various
plays'dialogues they completely identical which I have proposed for which I want 73 Oscars as Bill Clinton said.
Thaking You,
Yours Sincerely,
Manjula Mani,

Posted by: Manjula Mani at February 5, 2005 01:38 AM

Do you really thinking that Natalie Portman should win for her willingness to bare her a$$ for the camera? She's cute, and she's a good actress, but playing a convincing stripper doesn't necessarily mean she's contributed something great to film history. I think that Sophie Okonedo should win. But she won't, because she doesn't have the required public persona or name recognition, and the Oscars really seem to boil down to a popularity contest. How else to explain Johnny Depp's nomination?

Posted by: Max at February 6, 2005 01:20 PM

I did not see million dollar baby, aviator, or finding netherlands. Nor have I seen hotel rowanda, but just the seriousness of the movie and the emotion that I know had to go into playing that part, MAYBE is oscar worthy. I don't think none of the movies in the list grossed more than RAY, and I doubt if Leo's performance in Aviator was greater than Jamie's in RAY. But due to, as someone else posted, the 10 to 20 year limit the academy has placed on black men to be winners, Leo is the reasonable choice. And maybe if the take the route the Grammy's took when they gave album of the year to Steely Dan instead of Eminem, Clint Eastwood will get it to praise the fact that he's done excellent work in the film industry (acting as well as directing) for so many years.

Posted by: The Only Child at February 9, 2005 12:15 AM

I've seen em' all except neverland, will be seeing today, best movie, best actor, best anything, who cares. We are at war with Iraq and people are dying everyday. Think anyone will thank the troops in their acceptance speech? In the end people tend to forget if it's not brought to their attention. Avaitor is the best so far. Sorry, just had to vent.

Posted by: n pate at February 13, 2005 11:16 AM

Well I'm glad that the aviator is present this year in that many categories. Without that movie the Academy would have been almost obliged to give the best actor to Jamie Foxx and the best Director to Clint Eastwood...but with the aviator at least we have a little competition. I think that whatever the outcome is it's always gonna be very criticized because of the two big performances by Leo and Jamie. I would prefer if Leo won because I think he played a character with lots of feelings whereas the role of Ray Charles is nothing more than a well-done imitation. I didn't see million dollar bady but I really liked the aviator so I wouldn't mind if Scorcese won the Oscar.....

Finally, I really liked the performances of Nathalie Portman and Clive Owen in CLOSER. And I would like Hotel Rwanda to win the best picture (even if it wasn't nominated)categorie because it's so important that people knew finally what happened there (great film also with lots of feelings and great acting by Don Cheadle).

Posted by: Tyler Durden at February 19, 2005 09:30 PM

dear sir,
i request you to give me the oscar awards,that is"78 oscar awards","grammy awards 35","nobel prizes 29" going through,"britannica encyclopedia", under heading,"hollywood movies" page_ 131 which can help as a proof and more little more pages related to it just ,before and after that page.you can also refer to related subjects in consequent headings "titanic,tittanic,
titttanic".please invite me to the show and get me the awards.please take the trouble to give me the awards.take curdsy to give me the awards for which i worked day & night.i had also given hintsthrough my imagination which was captured by an instrument and implemented in the movies since 1985,the proof also being the internet2005_oscar nominations & my name manjula mani was also called in the last oscar award ceremony.my address is given there. my father's name is RAM YASH SINGH, mother's CHAMPA SINGH.take the help of press & media like televisions,newspapers for inviting me.yours kindly manjula mani

Posted by: mnajula mani at June 14, 2005 05:35 AM

may or can you manage to give me 78 oscars, 35 grammys & 29 nobels in these oscar award,grammy award & nobel prize ceremony.

Posted by: manjula mani at June 17, 2005 05:18 AM

dear sir,
can i get,them in the next year ,that is,"oscar award, grammy award & noble prize ceremony".please nominate them & inform rather publically ,through media like newspapers,televisions & radios & internet ,deliver it to me after sending an invitation card of oscar' award, grammy'award & noble prize ceremony.
yours most lovingly,
manjula mani.

Posted by: manjula mani at June 18, 2005 05:11 AM

dear sir,
please publicize it through newspapers & televisions &
broadcasting media

Posted by: manjula mani at June 18, 2005 05:17 AM

I have to agree with the first post on here about the movie "Stage Beauty" because as a lover of period fare, I find that its a stunning movie! I don't know how it has been overlooked not only by the oscars, but movie fans as well! It deserves some recognition!

Posted by: Wendy at August 2, 2005 11:17 AM


Posted by: MANJULA MANI at August 30, 2005 03:52 AM