December 01, 2004

Wonderful publicity shots from Walk the Line

This came out of nowhere for me as I totally missed any news that the fabulous Joaquin Phoenix is playing Johnny Cash in this biopic of his life.

Vanity Fair have just released some excellent publicity photos, found through Film Rotation who so deftly put the fact that these seven pictures set the story perfectly.

What an excellent set of stills they are, number one and six are my particular favorites, Phoenix looking back from the stage and the group looking to the camera in a wonderful black and white still that really does capture the essence of what this movie should be about. Excellent, and hopefully another winner for Mr Phoenix.

Posted by Richard Brunton at December 1, 2004 12:16 PM



Posted by: solartaco . at December 1, 2004 01:01 PM

I heard about this project a while back but kind of put it on the back burner and hadn't heard anything new recently. I think this will be a great role for Phoenix and a really interesting story.

Posted by: Mantiss at December 1, 2004 02:01 PM

I believe that both Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon will be nominated for Oscars for this movie. Witherspoon, especially has always risen to any challenge presented to her, and this film, which forced her to sing before live audiences was a great challenge, indeed.

Posted by: John Bleakly at March 5, 2005 12:57 PM

I was an extra in the prison scene filmed in Memphis and Joaquin played live and sang too . He was really good at both and the stage band could play too, so between takes they would do jamb sessions. Reese was only filmed off stage , not in a singing part. Hey , the speaker she was to sit in front of caught on fire and had to be dragged from the set. The band and J.P. played "Burning Ring O Fire " as they dragged it out the building on fire.. kidding you not...

Posted by: garnet at July 15, 2005 10:19 PM