December 13, 2004

Wiseman To Direct Wolverine?

Wiseman_Kate.jpgWow, Len Wiseman may be a pretty busy guy. The director for Underworld and the upcoming Underworld 2 has apparently been approached to direct the X-Men spin-off Wolverine. I swear I rank this man in the Top 10 luckiest bastards alive... seeing as he's also married to Underworld star Kate Beckinsale.

The folks over at Cinescape offer us this:

We've heard from a trustworthy source that UNDERWORLD director Len Wiseman has been approached about directing the WOLVERINE movie. How long ago Wiseman was offered the job, whether he's the only director being offered the gig and what his answer was (or even if one has been given by Wiseman) all remain unknown. All we know is that he's been asked.
As funny as this may sound, I actually think this would be a fairly good fit. I think the feel that Wiseman created for Underworld would paint a nice backdrop for a Wolverine film quite well.

The whole X-Franchise still seems to be up in the air right now ever since the sudden (and unfortunate) departure of Bryan Singer from the helm. Who else do you think could take over the captain's chair for the X-Movies?

Posted by John Campea at December 13, 2004 12:14 AM