December 05, 2004

Will Smith In Trouble For Having An Opinion - God Forbid

hitler_cartoon.jpgYeeehaaaawww!!! Lets go back to the good ol' days of the sixties when cross burning was an "in" social thing to do, you could ruin a person's life by labeling them a "commie", cops were allowed to beat those black rascals and you could censor anything anyone wanted to say! Yes sir... those were the good ol' days.

At least that seems to be the attitude Jon Alvarez and his little neo-nazi, America hating "Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood" to me. This groups hates all those Brave American soldiers who were stupid enough to fight for a country that allowed free speech, freedom of expressions, the freedom to be different, the freedom to think what you want and choose what you believe. Yes, this group is on a mission to stomp out anything and anyone that does not look, talk, act, and believe just as they do. Hmmm... who does that remind me of? I can almost see a PICTURE in my head of who else that sounds like...

Anyway, now they want to muzzle Will Smith for having the audacity to compare the terrorist attacks on 9/11 to the frequent police attacks on blacks in the 60's. Here's a little excerpt of what got Smith in trouble:

When asked if the terror attacks had changed him, Smith said: "No, absolutely not". He added: "Whether you are wounded in an attack by a racist cop or in a terrorist attack, I'm sorry, it makes no difference. In the 60s, blacks were continuously the victims of terrorist attacks. It was civil terrorism, but terrorism nonetheless."
I personally never thought of it that way... and I don't know if it's a good analogy. However... even if you disagree with him all you need is half a brain to see where the man is coming from. And even if you can't see where he's coming from you can at least respect the freedoms he has to express whatever his thoughts are. Disagree with him. Argue with him. Disprove him. Debate with him. Compare ideas. But don't pull an Adolf Jr. and try to eradicate anyone that has a differing thought. To do so, is the most UNAMERICAN thing you can do, and shows HUGE disrespect to the men and women who have died so you can have the freedom to say whatever you want to about Mr. Smith.

And now Mr. Alvarez, I shall exercise my freedoms and rights that were afforded to me by the sacrifices of men and women in uniform (be it American, Canadian, British, whatever) who fought in 2 world wars. I THINK YOU ARE A FRICKIN IDIOT.

However, because I believe in YOUR freedom to have whatever opinion you want and say whatever you want to say, I won't fight to get your little group of Freedom Haters banned.

Posted by John Campea at December 5, 2004 08:53 AM


Let's not forget what the great Voltaire once said:

"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

Although I very much agree with Will Smith.

Posted by: LilGryphMaster at December 5, 2004 11:24 AM

Excellent quote!

Posted by: John Campea at December 5, 2004 11:27 AM

It's interesting that they found Will Smith's view of Fahrenheit 9/11 so offensive.

What he is quoted as having said about the film was: "I found the film very funny. I found it interesting, and if it contributes to more people waking up and looking into things and drawing their own conclusions, then that is a good thing. However, one should not view the film as the Bible."

Forgive this potentialy stupid question, but since when were looking into things and drawing your own conclusion (thinking for yourself, in other words) Anti-American?

Posted by: Paul at December 5, 2004 12:40 PM

History will have the final say on our current situation. The holographic books will have an animated cartoon face, shaking its head.

Posted by: JohnIan at December 6, 2004 07:51 AM

I have to agree with Will Smith.
Terrorism is to strike fear into a group of people.

60s racially motivated police brutality=Saudi terrorists highjacking planes and crashing them into the US.

But while it makes no difference to this multi-millionare actor if "terrorism has changed him" it still stands to show if he has used his celebrity to do anything other than complain about it. Anti-American? I don't know. Helping either problem? No.

Posted by: Ronold at December 9, 2004 01:46 PM

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