December 01, 2004

We're back! Comments are working again!

Megaphone.jpgACTION! We're back. Huge apologies from both of us, the comment system was failing big style and we've been busy trying to keep posting you latest information and track down the problem.

Well we have, and fixed it (I hope - I just commented anyway). So looks like we're back in business. It's not perfect at the moment, but from the readers end you shouldn't notice anything failing, if you do, let us know.

John Says: Good Greif!!! Even the "REMEMBER ME" feature works now! This has NEVER worked on The Movie Blog since we started in mid-2003! Good times! I'm so happy I'm going to celebrate by going to take a nap!

Please go back through the last few posts and comment your heart out, we do read them all as they are all emailed to the author, we just don't get a chance to reply to every post, we do eventually though!

Thanks everyone for your patience, it really is appreciated.

Posted by at December 1, 2004 06:38 AM


Despite his Scotish heritage... Rich is a pretty smart cookie. :)

Posted by: John Campea at December 1, 2004 07:03 AM

Thanks very much, and that's SCOTTISH! ;)

Well we just need to sort the formatting around the Comments and talk about StyleSheets John, and that should be everything!

Oh, and the Preview button has disappeared...maybe I should work on getting that back too.

Posted by: Richard at December 1, 2004 09:53 AM

Congrat's on getting the commenting back up, lol, without the commenting box i was lost for a moment, took a detour, found my self, and took a nap lol

Later guys, congrats again


Posted by: Xun at December 1, 2004 10:43 AM

Interesting...The "remember me" feature has always worked for me on this site....even when you were having issues with your comments section and I couldn't comment.

In fact, all my info was here at the beginning of this comment.


Posted by: Kurt at December 1, 2004 10:51 AM

I am so glad! I had wanted to make some remarks.

Posted by: Donna at December 1, 2004 09:31 PM

Probably remarks about how handsome I am.

Posted by: John Campea at December 1, 2004 09:55 PM

::tries to contain laughing:: hahaha, John you lady's man (please note all sarcasm in any way shape or form.)


Posted by: Xun at December 3, 2004 11:37 PM

I have just recently started posting my comments and enjoy it.

Thanks for the site by the way guys. And kudos for a job well done.

Posted by: Simone at December 6, 2004 02:17 PM