December 06, 2004

Underworld 2 Shooting Underway

I'm not really sure why, but Underworld 2 is a film that I'm just getting more and more excited about seeing. On November 29th the film started shooting here in Canada and should wrap up sometime in March.

The Hollywood North Report gives us a little info on how the cast rounded out:

Actors Michael Sheen (who was ditched by wife Kate Beckinsale on the set of the original) and Shane Brolly have signed on to reprise their roles of Werewolf Lucian and Vampire Kraven, for "origins" scenes set to take place during the middle-ages.

They join returning stars Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, and Bill Nighy , as well as veteran British actor Derek Jacobi who will embody elder Markus. Director Len Wiseman is in the directors chair once again with a December 9th 2005 release date targeted.

Dumped him on the set? Ouch, that hurts. Must make for some wonderful working conditions while shooting the second one. Tension anyone?

I've said this before, but I thought the first one was pretty good... but not great. Actually, I didn't even like it that much when I first saw it... but's it's grown on me a little. However, I always thought that there was enough interesting backstory and characters that much more could be done with it... and done much better than the first one. Here's hoping I was right. We'll know in a year.

Posted by John Campea at December 6, 2004 07:23 AM


Uh. Actually Kate is married to director Len Wiseman.

Posted by: pokey2121 at December 6, 2004 08:29 AM

I also liked "Underworld", wish I can pull off wearing the leather suit.

Posted by: Simone at December 6, 2004 02:04 PM

Whats with the pose she is doing in that poster? It looks like she is trying to take a dump asian style.

Posted by: Frank at December 6, 2004 06:33 PM

to pokey,
she met Wisemen during the filming of Underworld while she was married to Sheen (duh).
so the husband acted in a film shot by her wife's lover.

anyway back to the movie. I think Underworld has cool characters but ultimately a weak story.
a romance that came out of no where. vampires that could die by drowning or sword poking through them does not make it believable. what pricks me is that this old and wise super vampire that can be so easily defeated. come on. and the best part she was the one who raise him up in the first place.
in the movie universe, the vampire clan which has survived thousand of years, can be weaken in just two nights. you wonder how they had survived this long.
yes the action set are superb. cinematography gets an A+. Kate is so hot that she burns. but that doesnot make a great movie.

Posted by: monk at December 6, 2004 08:28 PM

Oh we go. Underworld was an ok movie. There are so many different perspectives on how a vampire should die. What can kill them? The sun? Garlic? Stake? Getting their head chopped off? Jesus?
It doesn't matter! They drink blood to live, that's it!
So when I saw underworld, I thought, "wow, blood drinkers who shoot guns at werewolves." -I don't like that other word, Lichen, and I prolly will never use it.-
The action was fun and the cross breed
vamp-wolf was neato, except for his weird skin color. Silver is just not a good looking color.
Can't wait for part 2 or whatever...

Posted by: Anthony at December 9, 2004 01:42 PM

Underworld is the greatest movie ever. I'm not sure why but i was just amazed. It was heart-pumping adrenline rushed. Selene is so hot(especially the scene where here eyes are pale blue and she shoots the lycan in the head). I loved the music, love the back-story, LOVE KATE, love everything about it

Posted by: Eltharion at December 12, 2004 08:58 AM

this movie kicks butt. Ok one, it cool how it show all that crap about garlic and sunlight. You have to love the hybrid he's so cool, color and all. I love the romance between Selene and Michael. Selene makes alot of good landings in the movie from all the jumps..

Posted by: mindy at December 12, 2004 06:40 PM

well,the movie was the BOMB,can't wait for part2 of the movie .the romance between selene and micheal was tense and the older vampire viktor did very well espacially when we was talking to selene about been forced to do yet again where he was going to kill the micheal.loved there outfits and there was somepretty good moves in the movie.they also deviated from all the known ways of killing vampires which to me was a welcome development.REALLY CAN'T WAIT FOR PART TWO.

Posted by: shola at January 12, 2005 06:55 AM

this movie kicked ass!!! i hope they hurry and finish the 2nd movie... i can't wait to see it. i want kate's leather outfit! its so hot. i would totally wear it. lucian is so hot in the movie... i dunno why but he is. same w/ kahn.

Posted by: amber at January 13, 2005 10:50 AM

Question - Does anyone have the answer to this question my husband and I had. When they awaken Victor, they say it was actually Marcus' turn to wake up (we never see Marcus in this film), but there are three holes in the floor where the vampires sleep. Who does the other hole belong to. Victor, Marcus and who else? Was Amelia supposed to go in. Please explain if anyone has a little more back story. Thanks.

Posted by: Casey at February 17, 2005 10:11 PM

Yes, Amelia was currently ruling. It was her turn to go to sleep and Marcus' turn to awake and rule. That's why Amelia was returning from overseas.

Posted by: John Campea at February 17, 2005 10:28 PM

Excellent movie. Probably the best of its kind (and there were many) I love the Lycan slave story and how the war began, excellent dramatic touch to draw the viewer. The Vamp/Lycan hybrid was definately intriguing.
Any word on the exact date of the 2nd release? And what is the exact title? I heard it was "Underworld Evolution" but I'm not sure.
Marcus better be a badass because the Vamps seemed like they were dominated by the Lycans in non-gun altercations.

Posted by: Alex at March 3, 2005 05:25 AM

Ok...I dont think that Kate was ever married to Michael Sheen, she just had a daughter with him... however my information could be from a faulty source, this is the internet ppl say anything.
I am soooo EXCITED about this second movie omg!
i was reading some stuff about goings on on the set and nopticing some of the things they say on the commentary and it humors me greatly to notice how crazy fun they must be having! i would knaw my arm off with one tooth just to spend a week on the set or get to have a conversation with the cast and director! *sigh* what fun...

Posted by: Amanda UW freakish vampire fanatic at March 28, 2005 06:10 PM

Ok...I dont think that Kate was ever married to Michael Sheen, she just had a daughter with him... however my information could be from a faulty source, this is the internet ppl say anything.
I am soooo EXCITED about this second movie omg!
i was reading some stuff about goings on on the set and nopticing some of the things they say on the commentary and it humors me greatly to notice how crazy fun they must be having! i would knaw my arm off with one tooth just to spend a week on the set or get to have a conversation with the cast and director! *sigh* what fun...

Posted by: Amanda UW freakish vampire fanatic at March 28, 2005 06:11 PM

I believe that this was a awesome movie. I like the story behind it, but thought that there could be more to it. This is why I came looking on this website to see if there was going to be a second one. Dose anyone know what the story is going to be based on?

Posted by: Star at August 15, 2005 06:38 PM

i hope marcus is at least as strong as viktor because viktor aside the vampires were completely crushed by the werewolfs in a weaponless fight.its weird because viktor was one,marcus the other and the third ?? amelia ?? but she just looked like a defenseless girl while viktor was enormously powerfull and marcus is probably strong as well.i loved the michael/viktor fight,at first it looked like michael was totaly owning viktor but in the end it was michael the one who almost dies.
i also loved when viktor punched that guy and literally crushed his cheek.i cant wait to see the sequel.

Posted by: newfan at October 5, 2005 07:34 PM

"vampires that could die by drowning or sword poking through them does not make it believable."

Yes they can origfinally vampires could be killed by
Silver..'yes it represent purity'

Hurt by Garlic,
Holy Water,
Burned by touching Holy symbols..'weather the person belived or not'

Staking only Froze them to the spot.
So all anyone has to do is pick what their vampire is weak against.

"in the movie universe, the vampire clan which has survived thousand of years, can be weaken in just two nights. you wonder how they had survived this long."

The Babylonian Empire fell in 1 Night.
Replaced by the Medo-Persian Empire..

"i hope marcus is at least as strong as viktor because viktor aside the vampires were completely crushed by the werewolfs in a weaponless fight.its weird because viktor was one,marcus the other and the third ?? amelia ?? but she just looked like a defenseless girl while viktor was enormously powerfull and marcus is probably strong as well."

Looks are always decieving...
I think each race had its own stregths and weaknesses,

The Guy with the whips probably would have beaten any regular werewolf to pulp...
But remember that particular werewolf was Luciens righthand man/wolf,
probably right at the verge of being a werewolf elder himself.
So it stands that he was stronger then the ave werewolf.

I think werewolves are much more physical/savage anyway,
vampires more controlled ordered.

I only have 2 question i want answered...

Amelia, As an Elder she was drained dry,
So why cant they just replace her blood?
thats how they brought back Viktor..

Marcus the blood that brings him back was Lycan...

I dont have to go any further with that.

Posted by: CrownPrince at October 21, 2005 04:21 PM