December 03, 2004

Twitch Gets A Slight Change of Address

One the sites I visit daily is Twitch, and not just because the head honcho (Todd) is a Movie Blog alumnist, but because it's a fun site and a totally essential stop on your daily surfing trips if you enjoy Asian film. Due to some technical woes, the folks over at twitchfilm.COM have changed their domain to twitchfilm.NET. It appears the dot COM extension still works for the time being, but if you visit their site with any regularity you should probably update your bookmarks.

Posted by John Campea at December 3, 2004 06:03 AM


Thanks for the note John ... be thankful you didn't register your domain through Bloghosts when you hosted there ... it sounds as though they're doing this to EVERYONE ... what a hassle ...

Posted by: Todd at December 3, 2004 07:06 PM