December 13, 2004

Triple H to be the next Conan?

TripleH_4.jpgThis is one of those pieces of news that one half of my brain is thrilled to hear... and the other half is numb with terror. Word is that the next man to play Conan... the guy who will fill Arnold's shoes is none other than Wrestling superstar Triple H (Paul Michael Levesque).

H is currently appearing in the huge disaster that is Blade Trinity, and honestly, I thought Triple H stuck out like a sore thumb. Seriously, it didn't look like the big guy belonged on the big screen at all... and that's saying something because I'm a big fan of his... but I've got to call it like I see it.

However, there are others out there who know a whole lot more than me that thought he did ok... and a crown of iron may be his reward. The good folks over at MovieHole give us this to chew on:

It looks very likely that the big guy's next part will be as "King Conan", taking over from Governor Schwarzenegger as the sword-yielding hero from decades past. "There's been talking about it. John Milius, who is writing the next Conan, has spoken to me already, I met with him a few times, he's a friend of mine over the years, He actually wrote another project specifically for me, but he's talked to me about doing Conan down the line so we'll see what happens", Triple-H tells "That's an awesome franchise if they want me to get involved in it, I will, it'd be a thrill".
Oh goodness. I don't know what to say. There is no doubt that this man has the body to take over for Arnold... no question at all. Perhaps if, like in the first 2 Conan films, all he has to do is look huge, swing the big sword and grunt a little... maybe this could work out.

The only other person I could see playing Conan is The Rock. Arnold is too political now. Not to mention he's also lost most of his size (even though he could still kick the crap out of me). Anyone else come to mind that could wear the Crown of Iron?

Posted by John Campea at December 13, 2004 12:15 AM


I'm more for the Rock, haven't seen Triple H in action, but I was a huge Arnie fan and am a not so big but still rather weighty Rock fan. He's got the charisma as well as the ability to be on the big screen.

Posted by: Richard at December 13, 2004 03:23 AM

Problem is it has to be a big guy. Not many actors fit into that field. The two mentioned and maybe Vin have the size for that type of thing or they have to go with some other wrestler or body builder or whatever.

Posted by: Bombadil at December 13, 2004 09:56 AM

Can you say STEROIDS, and lots of them.

Posted by: LORD ALKY DARK LORD OF THE SITH at December 13, 2004 08:48 PM

yeah....or maybe somebody could make a movie based on an original idea instead ANOTHER sequel/remake of a classic franchise!!

Posted by: Adam at December 13, 2004 09:27 PM

i vote here for "man mountain rock"

Posted by: gainer the gopher at December 13, 2004 10:54 PM

Please, don't do it. Thriple Blah Blah couldn't couldn't act his way out of script written for Keanue Reeeves. And just cause the precident was set by a gigantic man who could barely speak english doesn't mean we have to folow it. Besides the original character of Conan, props to Robert E. Howard, is calculating, intellingent, dark and brooding. Sorry Rock, you're too pretty. Scorpion King? Please. We don't need another body builder, we need an athelete; a tiger, not a bull.

Posted by: Tim at December 14, 2004 02:05 AM

I have to disagree with you all; Triple H is an awesome actor I just think that people are used to seeing him as a wrestler. In time you will see that he will become a well known actor he just needs some time to get used to the transition between the wwe and the big screen. I am his biggest fan and I hope to see him soon on another hit movie.

Posted by: christy at December 25, 2004 06:02 AM

the rock should not be on the screen even though iam a huge fan of the rock i just think triple h is better on the screen i am triple h's number 1 fan!!!

Posted by: king latifa at January 29, 2005 10:10 PM

i think that both of them are good actors..but i dont think that the rock would fit tha charactor very well...triple h needs to no tha change between wrestling and acting.

Posted by: big man at January 29, 2005 10:17 PM

i think the rock is way over his head.triple h is my favourite wrestler the rock is one of my favourites though the rock just is'nt as good as TRIPLE H THE GAME HHH THE CEREBRAL ASSASIN!!! I AM TRIPLE H'S NUMBER 1 FAN!!!

Posted by: king latifa at January 29, 2005 10:26 PM

Tim is dead on. The character Conan is a slaying machine, but not a plodding robot. To really bring the character to life, you need someone who can portray a bad-ass. Not some pretty-boy flexor. The character was dark, scarred and sinister looking. The Rock won't cut it. The character (as written by R.E. Howard, and not that hack, Milius) was highly intelligent, crafty and could cheat you out of your teeth. Triple H won't cut it. He also lived in a time when weight-lifting (as a sport) and 'chemical enhancements' didn't exist. So that eliminates everyone, including Mr. Schwarzenegger.

Arnold didn't make Conan famous. Conan made Arnold famous. Think about it.

Posted by: bezerker at February 17, 2005 12:04 AM

How is triple h a wrestler. He has no personality at all. I mean none. He cant act worth one measley penny. Sad to say he is a worst actor than Master P, and thats like saying you are dumber than a retarded person with who is paraplegic.

Posted by: gifted one at February 24, 2005 01:16 AM

I think Triple H is an excellent actor. Wrestling mostly is about acting and Triple H is a very good speaker as shown by his headline appearances on RAW. Besides Tripe H would easily pass as conans son or even conan himeself; He already has the long hair, big body build and he isn't exactly a pretty boy. Most of all his personality is very much suited to the role as he has a mean ruthless and attitude,

Posted by: RODRISTE at October 14, 2005 08:19 AM