December 14, 2004

Transformers The Movie - Interview With Producer Don Murphy

There an interesting (although short) little interview with Transformers producer Don Murphy over at TFormers.Com. Here's a little excerpt:

TFormers: Will there be any elements that appeal specifically to young children (10 and under)?

Don: No. I always believe you get the 14-16 Star Wars audience (the good films) and you get everybody.

TFormers: Is there one character in particular you are looking forward to exploring on the big screen?

Don: Optimus Prime of course.

TFormers: What character do you think would hold the greatest on-screen presence?

Don: Bumblebee.

TFormers: Is there a possibility that Cybertron will be seen at some point?

Don: Yes.

TFormers: Are there any characters that you wanted to include, but could not? N. Any characters that may be unexpected, but that you think will bring a "wow" reaction from the viewer?

Don: That would be telling.

TFormers: Will there be exploration of the Transformers origins in movie.

Don: Yes.

TFormers: What one thing so far has you the most excited just from your own personal opinion?

Don: Finding out in a meeting that Spielberg knows the mythology stone cold perfectly.

The only thing that scares me about this little interview is that comment about Bumblebee being the greatest screen presence. Don't get me wrong, I like Bumblebee... but this just screams JAR JAR to me. Focus on Optimus and Megatron and you'll be fine Don.

Posted by John Campea at December 14, 2004 07:25 AM


I read that part about Bumblebee as a joke...

Posted by: feint at December 14, 2004 09:55 AM

As a Transformer fan and owner of Volkswagen Beetles past and present I'm really am biased.

Volkwagen won't license their designs to Takara/Hasbro so if Bumblebee is in the film he'll probably be drastically vistually different than in previous appearances. His "character" was really only developed in the first two seasons of the 80s cartoon and then he more or less faded into history.

Recently in the Dreamwave comics he's had a few moments to shine and can hold his own in battle and leadership if given the task.

I do think that has a certain appeal, especially to kids, which was the original use of Bumblebee in the cartoon. He was the "little guy" surrounded by the big guys and was also the main connection between Spike and the Autobots.

Any character can shine if a writer wants them to do so and Bumblebee can easily be the one.

I'm just hoping Shockwave makes an appearance and they get David Warner to do his voice. That for me would be worth the price of admission!!! But I'm a Shockwave fan since he's what started my collecting insanity.

Posted by: Nala at December 14, 2004 10:56 AM

Nice to see that Spielberg is a fan. I really wasn't all that excited about the TF movie when it was first announced, but as these tidbits are released, the project is holding more interest for me.

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at December 14, 2004 02:01 PM

Transformers hell yeah! I can't wait! Hold this is my third post two days.... I need a girlfriend.

Posted by: Alfredo at December 14, 2004 02:28 PM

Optimus Prime?? He's Jewish??

Posted by: Adam at December 14, 2004 04:38 PM

Yeah, I think the Bumblebee thing *has* to be a joke! Please!

Posted by: Richard at December 14, 2004 05:21 PM

want a support from a producer

Posted by: gabriel mordi at January 21, 2005 06:12 PM

id no one remembers the cartoon Bumblebee was one of the most viewed autobots. dont get me wrong i love Jazz and the other kick ass autobots but alot of the stories had Bumblebee being the middle man.i have no doubts Prime will hold a great standing in the movie. i just worry about the story telling or lack there of that may take place in this movie. i'd like to see some reference made about the old school unknowns like Orion Pax and Alphatrion. i would also like to see all the transformers in cybertron form on screen. and dynamic new camera work 10 times better than any bullit time garbage.

Posted by: A.C. at January 30, 2005 12:37 PM

Don Murphy Comments on Soundwave Alt Mode and more

The first news that sticks out is the waste of space that is RC, and to use a energon bot for this one? I can deal with Megs as a tank (deep down inside I can't but...) but RC? as a motorcycle? Hasn't Sin City taught any of you Hollywood bumble heads anything? You MUST BE FAITHFUL to the genre. I heard a comment on that the reason Sin City is so successful is because Robert Rodriguez was faithful to the original work, and fanboys were not up in arms like with other incarnations and remakes (AVP anyone?) Honestly, no matter how much Don claims to want to produce this movie, I think he has little say in the final out come and who ever is in charge is looking to capitalize on the namesake without any insight on how to create a long lasting franchise. Someone needs to stand up and tell the corporations enough!

Don, you don't impress me!

Posted by: Justin Bailey at April 22, 2005 06:29 PM