December 26, 2004

Trailer for Unleashed with Jet Li, Bob Hoskins and Morgan Freeman

JetLi.jpgSometimes an idea comes along for a movie that just grabs you, the very basic premise just makes you sit up and pay attention and in trailer form you just can't help but become intruiged. This is exactly how I felt when I saw the trailer for Unleashed, Jet Li's new film also starring the great Bob Hoskins and the superb Morgan Freeman.

The writing and production credits include Luc Besson, and you could feel some of his influence in parts of the trailer, and from the director Louis Leterrier of Transporter 1 and 2.

I'll keep my eyes on this one. Can Li hold his own against two heavyweights of acting such as Hoskins and Freeman?

Posted by Richard Brunton at December 26, 2004 09:07 PM


Wow, finally. I preferred the old title, Danny the Dog. It was a little less generic. I take it that this thing's been shelved for a while then?

If you think this trailer's good, I was FLOORED by the French version back in July. It was a small masterpiece. The most moody piano music in the world. Massive Attack is involved in this, so that's a very good thing.

Posted by: Rob at December 27, 2004 12:40 PM

I agree with Rob. The old title had more meaning to it and I thought it was catchier. On a sad, but related note, check and read the recent article about Jet Li. Apparently he's gone missing in the midst of the earthquakes and tidal waves in Asia. Hope he's ok.

Posted by: Mantiss at December 27, 2004 04:59 PM

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