December 16, 2004

Trailer for Hostage with Bruce Willis

BruceWillisHostage.jpgOkay, so we've talked about trailers before, and it's clear that there is a huge raft of mixed opinion. Good, bad, gives away too much, never represents the film, etc. Whatever your belief, when you see a really good one you get your socks blown off, you get that adrenaline rush and you genuinely get excited to see the film, In fact you have to see it now. That's just how I felt after seeing the trailer for Hostage through Film Rotation.

They say it best with:

Let's face it - lately Bruce Willis has been slumming it. Last three films: the disappointing and entirely unnecessary The Whole Ten Yards, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (nuff said)

Shame really, I like Bruce Willis, I think he has a lot of talent and equally, a real bad decision making system! What I noticed from this trailer are, mixed with the usual looks of disdain and anger, are the scenes of complete terror and confusion in his face, and for the brief seconds they are onscreen, I believe.

Yes, yes, it's only made of short cuts and trailers are always the better bits, but combined with the story, I think this looks like a complete corker. A bit of a reverse Die Hard with serious plot twists. Willis is the comeback kid. I hope he's back on track and the numerous movies he's involved with just now are an upturn in his career.

Thoughts on the trailer?

Posted by at December 16, 2004 06:35 AM


The consensus from the boy and I is that it looks f'd-up, but it a really great way. I had goosebumps watching this trailer. I'm so going to see this one!

Posted by: Lilly at December 16, 2004 08:09 AM

I want to like Bruce Willis, but he has to help me out. He can't do one good movie between 6 crap ones.

Posted by: Bombadil at December 16, 2004 09:58 AM

If this has the balls that the trailer suggests, then it could be excellent. If not, it won't.

Fingers crossed for an R rating :)

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at December 16, 2004 11:34 AM

The Robert Crais book the film is based on kicks ass. I'm not convinced by the trailer, but I'll be going to see it when it comes out anyway.

Posted by: Martin Sutherland at December 17, 2004 05:03 PM

Has anybody else seen this movie cause I have.

Posted by: Simone at March 12, 2005 05:21 PM