December 08, 2004

Trailer for Dark Water online

DarkWater.jpgBeing a huge Far Eastern cinema fan, especially when it comes to horror, I've seen the original Dark Water a number of times and quite sincerely rate it over Ringu, so it's with great interest I've been watching the news of the US remake (one of many remakes of perfectly brilliant eastern horrors). Well now we have some news, Script-o-rama directed me to the trailer for the movie. Take a look.

Have you seen the original? How do you think this is going to compare? I thought the trailer showed a lot of promise with similar visuals and ideas. Sript-o-rama are quite scathing about the idea of being involved in the movie and are quite hard on both director and star, Walter Salles and Jennifer Connelly respectively.

I'd tend to disagree, if they do this well, they could have another major hit on their hands, and if it's anything like the original, something that's off the beaten track for Hollywood. Please, if you get a chance, see the original first.

Posted by at December 8, 2004 01:17 PM


No need for formalities. Feel free to call me Drew, amigo.

Oh, I think it'll make some dough; it couldn't possibly come out at a better time. I just want it to bring something new to the table. If it turns out to be great, I'll be the first one singing its praises.

And it's because I dig both Connelly and Salles that I'm scathing. I scathe because I love.

Except with Julia Roberts. She gets my wrath because she's earned it. :)

Posted by: drew at December 8, 2004 03:06 PM

Cheers Drew. Yeah, there's part of me wants it to be original, but there's also part of me that thinks if they can recreate that movie in the US with all the tension and suspense, then surely that can be a good thing, especially if it makes money.

I'd love for them to get it right, make money, and open up asian cinema to a whole raft of new people.

Still, there is a vast big black hole waiting for them to fall into.

Posted by: Richard at December 9, 2004 05:20 AM

I've seen the trailer weeks back and I am quite looking forward to seeing this actually.

What do you say about Japanese horror films being remade by Hollywood? It's like they're doing everything now, from "The Ring", "The Grudge" and now this.

Posted by: Simone at December 9, 2004 02:52 PM

I do like them when they are done well, and especially if there is huge involvement from the original team, bringing talent across into the mainstream like that is an excellent thing and it creates great exposure for them, the talent of the country overall, the original movie and the market it came from.

However, ripping them off directly and\or doing them badly really gets my goat. I do like it when they are well credited too.

Have a look at the Hideo Nakata post, I know it's a ramble but if you stay with it you can see the wealth of Asian remakes on the cards.

Posted by: Richard at December 10, 2004 08:51 AM

Wow, I am lookin for blogsoft like Your, can You help me to install it?

Posted by: Jezi at January 11, 2005 09:12 PM