December 26, 2004

Trailer for Clive Cusslers Sahara with Matthew McConaughey

Sahara.jpgShould we take bets which way this film will go - good or bad? Let me mix up some of the good and bad things going for it and see how you think it comes out.

Another adventure yarn trailer with the lead character Dirk Pitt played by Matthew McConaughey, what a dumb name...that's the Dirk Pitt one!

Sahara is from a Clive Cussler novel, the IMDB reader Plot Summary doesn't really help much more than the character name:

An African dictator's nuclear waste disposal plant is mutating the red tide, and so threatens the planet's ecosystem. It's up to Dirk Pitt and his associates from NUMA (National Underwater and Marine Agency) to find the source of the pollution and shut down the operation.

Cussler is also one of the Producers and his daughter Dayna Cussler also stars. Breck Eisner, who hasn't really done much, takes the directors chair, and Penélope Cruz pitches in for big name power.

Oh, and the last point, the Foo Fighters are playing during the latter part of the trailer. The last point wins it for me!

Posted by at December 26, 2004 10:09 PM


I read the book first then saw the movie and was very disappointed in the movie, big pieces of the plot left out, and changed: even the main characters did not fit my imagined appearance of them or the descriptions of them in the book. Maybe Mr Cussler should stick to writing the books and leave movies to others.

Posted by: Jan at September 16, 2005 02:29 AM

I saw the movie first and became interested in the books but as I found while looking for the books is the movie was not very close to them so I have stayed away from the books for fear that I may not like either the books or the movies because of comparing them. I would like to see more movies in the series done the same as Sahara as I don't know the books and don't want to.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 16, 2005 03:41 PM