December 26, 2004

Trailer for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

CharlieChocSmall.jpgI'd seen this trailer before but it wasn't until watching it again that I realised we hadn't said anything about it, and it's quite a significant film, remaking that classic in which Gene Wilder turned a sterling performance in the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.

The trailer for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory carries all the visual marks of Tim Burton and it does look like it's a perfect match for his style. The wonderful Johnny Depp looks set to turn a bizarre and utterly creepy performance which suits the role perfectly, that off-kilter smile is just so unnerving.

Posted by at December 26, 2004 07:47 PM


Still confused here as well. The pictures and trailer don't give too many details. I'm a huge Burton fan...but I'm really not sure to expect from this.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the Corpse Bride more.


Posted by: Christopher at December 27, 2004 01:13 AM

Hmm. As already posted, the trailer seems a bit confusing, and that song playing throughout didn't help sell the movie, IMHO. If the producers are hoping to sell the movie on Depp and Burton's names alone, I think that they're in for a surprise.

Again, this is one where I'll wait for the DVD.

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc Bowker at December 27, 2004 07:38 AM

Hmm. As already noted, the trailer seems a bit confusing, and that annoying "Willy Wonka" song didn't help. I didn't see any other actors that I recognized during the trailer, and if the producers are hoping that Depp and Burton alone will draw audiences, I think that they're in for a surprise.

Another "wait for the DVD" film in my book.

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc Bowker at December 27, 2004 07:40 AM

I am also not too enthused about it at all. Visually the movie looks remarkably like the older film so I'm guessing the "remake" description is wholly to do with the script? I myself have never read the book (the horror!) and since the original movie was quite good I was not perturbed by the deviations.

Depp...kinda looks like a crack addict in the trailer don't you think? That weird makeup. Just take a look at that Dave Chapelle skit, you'll see what I mean. :P

Posted by: Arethusa at December 27, 2004 01:59 PM

I agree. I can wait for this film to come out on DVD. No one will ever be able to top the performance of Gene Wilder, not even my brother's beloved Johnny Depp. Yes, my straight brother is in love with Johnny Depp. Enough about that...
the Visuals look fun, the chocolate that the German kid falls into looks real, but where the hell are the oompa loompas? I didn't see any of them. Stupid new film...

Posted by: Anthony at December 28, 2004 06:36 PM

All I can say is: Tim Burton + Johnny Depp + Christopher Lee + Roald Dahl = AWESOME

Yes, that may be a pretty lame thing to say, but I had to say it!

Posted by: trysop at December 28, 2004 11:01 PM

Come on LOOK at that hair. Johny how could you let them do that to you. You look like a girl. no Willy Wonka there. i knw Tim Burton can do better that that.

Posted by: Kinkyhips at December 29, 2004 07:49 PM

Come on LOOK at that hair. Johny how could you let them do that to you. You look like a girl. No Willy Wonka there. I know Tim Burton can do better that that.

Posted by: Kinkyhips at December 29, 2004 07:50 PM

Firstly - it is not a remake of movie.

It is an adaptation of the book. The original movie followed the basic story of the book, but really was not true to each and every aspect. In the original movie, the Oompa Loompas were really scary little orange and green men.

In the book, they where blonde little people (of which there where also females!) who wore animal skins and leaves.

Why where they turned into creepy little orange and green people!?

The original movie also chenged some parts of the story completely and added in some of their own. The Slugworth - wannabe didn't exist in the book - Veruca was attacked by 100 squirrels and shoved down a chute (she was NOT mistaken for a bad egg!!)and Mr Wonka didn't go ballistic at Charlie for breaking rules and I could list the differences forever but I'm not going to.

The point is - this movie is meant to be a LOT more like the book (I havent seen the Oompa Loompa's yet so I don't know if they've changed,) and I think this movie'll be great. Roald Dhal was a great author, and although the old movie - though inaccurate was still incredibly good, I have faith that this one will beat it!

(Oh yeah - and Johnny Depp really does look like a female crack addict in it - Don't know whats up with that!)

Posted by: Claire at January 6, 2005 10:52 AM

I am trying to write a book about the end of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and I need the script. I need a websight online that has the full script and character names. Thank you so much for your help! I hope to get my book published or at least recognized and I hope you can read it. Thank you!

Posted by: cindy at February 8, 2005 08:21 PM

Johnny has the most amazing versatility of any actor in Hollywood, so it was no surprise that he chose to do this role. Yes, it looks odd, but that's also what makes him and director Tim Burton stand out from all the other play-it-safers in the movie industry. Of course, there are people who say "Don't ruin a great classic," but so long as longtime partners Depp and Burton are involved, I doubt they'll go wrong. It's always refreshing to see movies like this, and I anticipate that the upcoming stop-motion picture called "Corpse Bride" will be great as well!

Posted by: Amanda at March 3, 2005 01:45 PM

I CANT WAIT to go see this movie i have watched the trailer a bazillion times i already have that song memorized lol i kno im a loser but willy wonka is my FAV movie and johnny depp is my FAV actor(plus he is so hot) but im gonna be there opening nite and alot of my friends to!!!

Posted by: Genie at April 20, 2005 06:08 PM

my girlfriends older brother told me that the book was about satan and his temptations, and the original movie was supposed to be a horror flick but they screwed it up, ive been looking into it and really havent found nething on the whole satan thing. so email me if neone knows, it seems pretty interesting, i digged scissorhands and even though i think that was depp's only good role :D, i like alot of other tim burton movies.

Posted by: bob at May 19, 2005 08:13 PM

Johnny Depp looks like a girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. If you don't believe me, look at this picture:,2933,161887,00.html

Posted by: CES at July 9, 2005 01:02 AM

I enjoyed the movie and i thought Johnny Depp did a really good job. Anyone making wise cracks about the movie needs to see it before they complain. The remake of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory has become my favorite movie of all time.

Posted by: Amber at July 16, 2005 04:23 PM

I enjoyed the movie and Jonny Depp is a really great actor. But at work we are arguing about the original movie was Veruca attacked by squirrels!! because the majority thinks it was a goose but one person is positive that it was squirrels please help us prove her wrong!!!!!

Posted by: Mo at July 20, 2005 08:40 AM

I've seen the film twice now- saw it for the second time the day after I'd first seen it, it was that good! A fantastic film, this beats the first one any day and remains faithful to the book, an amazing performance as always from Depp makes it a truly funny and excellent film, and there are darker sides to it as well. The songs are great, the sets are fantastic- 10/10. Amazing.

Posted by: Rae at August 8, 2005 07:09 PM

Oh, and by the way, in the book it is squirrels- I just read it again to see how similar it was, but in the film it was a goose.

Posted by: Rae at August 8, 2005 07:10 PM

Both movies are great.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at August 8, 2005 09:29 PM

I think charlie and the chocolate factory was awesome i saw it two times in the theatre and it rocked just the same. The thing that really made it good was johnny depps performece. It was so funny! I read the book And I think this is what roald dahl was thinking when he made the book

I am tottaly buying the movie the mintute it comes out!

Posted by: Lauren at August 28, 2005 08:28 PM