December 29, 2004

Top Movie Mistakes 2004

It's that time of year when all kinds of "year end" lists come popping out. This one is kind of unique. The good folks over at FilmRot point us to this cool little site called where they chronicle... you guessed it... movie mistakes.

Every year I'm linked to their list of films that exceed in the art of the foul-up. The crown this year easily goes to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with an astounding 235 screw-ups compared to second place's 65 discrepancies for Spider-Man 2. Quite a gap there Mr. Cuarón.
Holy crap! Thats a lot of foul ups! I still remember the first "mistake" I ever caught in a movie. It was Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indiana Jones' ex-girlfriend was sitting in her Tibetan bar holding out a necklacce with the eye of Ra attatched to it. Then the camera shot switched to a different angle and suddenly she was still holding the necklace, but it wasn't actually around her neck anymore. I love little things like that. But 235 of them?!?!

Posted by John Campea at December 29, 2004 06:36 AM


But the thing is i actually quite liked Azkaban. It had a certain charm about it. Just as Harry, the movie seemed more matured. It had lost it's slick and colorful look and switched to a more grimey steady-cam look, which i thought was really appropriate.

But foul-ups differ in impact, or so it seems. Every time i watch one of the Lord of the Rings movies i see more and more "mistakes" but everytime i watch one i'm really enjoying the movies, so who cares? not me :)

Posted by: venger at December 29, 2004 11:03 AM

Actually those mistakes are really by fans... who would watch the same movie so many times to discover that many minor mistakes? It's interesting to see and no need to be pissed off by discovering the movie you loved has so many mistakes.

Posted by: Jacky at December 30, 2004 09:04 PM

haha, The first mistake I ever noticed was in The Running Man. Arnold is running and a bomb or something goes off and you can see the launch pad that sends him flying :)

Posted by: cybermike at December 31, 2004 10:00 PM