December 07, 2004

Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses

Julia_Roberts6.jpgShow me the money! The folks at Ananova reported today on the list of the highest paid actresses working in Hollywood. Here's the list with some of my own uninvited commentary:

#10) Jennifer Lopez - I still do not understand Hollywood's fascination with this woman. She's not a strong actress, and she does not have huge drawing power as the box office results of her movies prove.

#9) Renee Zellweger - No surprise to find her on this list, and honestly I thought she would rank a bit higher. This woman is a solid actress, with an Oscar to boot. Her films also draw quite well.

#8) Angelina Jolie - Also thought she would be higher on the list. Oscar + Drawing Power + Babe = MONEY

#7) Sandra Bullock - I'm sorry... does she still make movies? I'm curious to see how Miss Congeniality 2 works out.

#6) Halle Berry - This woman is so hit and miss it can make your head spin. In one movie she'll blow your socks off... and then in the next look just pathetic. It's going to take me a few years to get Catwoman out of my head.

#5) Drew Barrymore - No way. Why? Oh right, she produces half of her own movies. I seriously don't understand why she's so valuable. Don't get me wrong, she can be ok... but she is NOT an "A" list actress.

#4) Reese Witherspoon - This lady has it all, and she's going to be a huge star for many many years to come.

#3) Nicole Kidman - In my opinion, pound for pound the best actress in Hollywood over the last 5 years. This lady is killer. Tom is an idiot for leaving her.

#2) Cameron Diaz - WHAT THE HELL!?!?! Are you kidding me!?!?! No way! Not a chance in Hades should this chick be on this list. WHY!?!?! She hasn't stood out as being particularly strong in ANY film she's been in. Don't get me wrong, I actually like Cameron Diaz... I really honestly do. But no way is she deserving to be paid higher than most of the women on (and off) this list.

#1) Julia Roberts - Yup, no arguments from me. For the time being she is the Queen of Hollywood. Never turned in a turkey performance, always solid, strong drawing power even in bad films... she is the total package.

Posted by John Campea at December 7, 2004 06:58 AM


Interesting list, wasnt at all surprised that Roberts was on the number 1 list.

Did Catherine Zeta-Jones at least made it to Top 20? I've always liked her. I also like that Reese Witherspoon made it to the Top 10, it sorts of balances the age factor.

John, what about coming up with a male version of this list?

Posted by: Simone at December 7, 2004 07:30 AM

Cameron Diaz as #2...... WHAT THE HELL!?!?! oh wait that you already said. Im totally with you on this one for the exect same reasons as you. Man it must be a real quality to be just really cute, when the hollywood people hands out the paychecks

Posted by: Dav id at December 7, 2004 12:20 PM

The Highest Paid List is not based on who Hollywood has "a fascination with" or who is the best actress as far as talent is concerned or whom Tom Cruise should've stayed married to (you may not want to actually LIVE WITH Nicole Kidman from what I'm told) it's based on global box office and what the actresses are able to command through their agents. But you knew that already John, didn't you?

Posted by: Crystal at December 7, 2004 12:31 PM

What about Meg Ryan?

Posted by: Mucea at April 2, 2005 08:52 AM

Julia Roberts is exceedingly talented and obviously bankable... but your comment, "Never turned in a turkey performance," is not quite accurate. Remember Hook? Well, even that was a forgivable sin. And she was going through a lot, then. But her hair in that movie ... *shudders* ... not a pretty sight....

Posted by: Cindy at April 25, 2005 12:38 AM

Julia Roberts is exceedingly talented and obviously bankable... but your comment, "Never turned in a turkey performance," is not quite accurate. Remember "Hook"? Well, even that was a forgivable sin. And she was going through a lot, then. But her hair in that movie ... *shudders* ... not a pretty sight....

Posted by: Cindy at April 25, 2005 12:38 AM

What about Rosario Dawson? She's underrated and underutilized.

Posted by: micmac99 at June 25, 2005 01:35 PM

Where is Julianne Moore in this list? She is an underappreciated actress. Her performane in 'Hannibal','Boogie Nights' and lately 'The Hours' are oscar winning performances in my opinion.

Posted by: Dean Jones at September 7, 2005 10:03 AM