December 14, 2004

Thor Movie In Development

And the Superhero machine just keeps churning them out. The Mighty Thor seems to be the next up to bat. I've always thought Thor was an interesting character (and I think he's Doug's favorite comic character of all time) and this has possibilities. And despite how horrible Blade Trinity was, the fact that David Goyer is going to write it can't be seen as anything but good news.

The good folks over at Freeze Dried Movies offer up this:

The IESB chatted with Marvel Studios CEO and film producer Avi Arad about the planned big-screen version of Thor, Marvel Comics' recently deceased god of thunder. Rumors swirled last week that screenwriter David Goyer (the Blade trilogy, Batman Begins) was onboard the project. Arad confirmed that for the IESB. "Thor is being written now. Actually, David is going to write it," Arad said at the premiere of Blade: Trinity. "He is a Thor fanatic for a long time. He's going to write it."
The article goes on to say that Goyer says it's not a done deal yet... but he also hopes to direct the film. Yeah, sign me up.

Posted by John Campea at December 14, 2004 07:36 AM


Thor as a movie would have to be a big scale project, coming almost close to the atmosphere conveyed in Lord of the Rings.

Possibly 2 and a half to 3 hours long, detailing Thor's life on Asgard and his banishment to Earth in a human form. Conflict could arise in the form of his half-brother Loki out to make his life miserable.

Am I the only one who can envision Thor battling ogres and Frost Giants in New York City, lightning striking them as he beats them with his hammer?:)

As for best Thor casting call I choose Vladimir Kulich from the Thirteenth Warrior. Game set match, the man has the height and he even has a close enough accent! Choose him for Thor and the movie's almost as good as done.

Posted by: Rufus2k2 at December 15, 2004 10:59 AM

Rufus2k2 I've been asking for this movie for a long time and when my friend told me that it's in the works I couldn't believe it. Yes atleast a $100 million dollar budget and I can't agree more on the lead than the guy from the 13th warrior. I don't agree with David Goyer writing it.

What bothers me the most is that we are being bumbarded with movies like Troy, Alexander, King Author and so on.

Envision a epic CGI battle on earth and massive destruction. That hammer.

Posted by: mlito1984 at January 11, 2005 09:23 PM

If Marvel intends to do a movie based on "The Mighty Thor", I think they need to cast the WWE's Triple H as the hero.

Posted by: Elsworth Smith at February 22, 2005 01:10 PM

For the new Thor movie please don't encourage the producers to considef 'triple h' as the god of thunder.....thumbs up for Vladimir Kulich.....

Posted by: redtiger at February 27, 2005 05:33 PM

I like the idea of Vladimir Kulich as lead but he
almost 50 years old. Unfortunately If hollywood is f
funding this triple h would be more marketable than
Vladimir Even though I like him better.

Posted by: sandyblah at March 21, 2005 07:17 PM

I am a Thiple H Fan but I strongly Urge anyone Involved to cast Vladamir Kulich as Thor.
He is just the right pick for the role right now.
That's my two cents.

Posted by: Danny at April 13, 2005 07:51 PM

I have lived my life with the name Thor,
and I would always be asked about it.
So, all my life, I have studied, researched, and consumed any knowledge that would exist.
So here is my comment.
He has existed throughout the ages. It's about honor, courage, love, mystery, and strength.
It has all the essentials a great action story could ever need. It's like Lord of the rings, if it cant be done right, don't do it at all.
This project deserves respect, and if it's done right, it will become a classic.

Posted by: Thor Heinen at April 16, 2005 07:50 PM

The Thor of the 1960's would be a sure win

Posted by: kevin at April 30, 2005 02:36 AM

I agree with Thor Heinen.
His comments are right on the mark.
If they intend to do a cheesy or silly Thor
The last thing we want is someone making a farce
of the greatest hero of them all.
Thank you.

Posted by: Danny at May 1, 2005 04:41 PM

You can't cast Vladimir Kulich. He doesn't have the muscles.

Thor is 6'5" 660 lbs of muscles, that's a massive bodybuilder. Triple H. maybe close but there are two other bodybuilders that weighs over 300 lbs, Mr. Olympia contenders. They are much closer and both are blonds, blue eyes, and they are from Germany with some acting experience. Either Gunter Schlierkamp or Markus Ruhl.

Posted by: Edgar G. at May 19, 2005 12:15 PM

What about Karl Urban? He already looked the part as Eomer.

Posted by: kelta at May 21, 2005 12:12 PM

Vlad Kulich is a good aesthetic choice. However, for marketability beyond the comic audience, a blond locked Russel Crowe would be a good choice. He is also excellent in historic movies.

Posted by: Bryan Thomas at May 23, 2005 04:55 PM

A better choice than trip;e h for the part of THOR is The Rock. At least he has the acting experience and is getting better with each film he does.

Posted by: GDS at May 31, 2005 01:02 AM

I want to seriously point out, that the personage of the Great Thunder God THOR, should be represented and acted by the greatest actor, that can portray him, in a serious and most powerful manner. The most important thing is to keep the charector of THOR s he is portraid in the eddas and not made up in some silly type of movie.
Thor is not a comedian He is the protector of the nine worlds and one of them is Earth which is know in Norse mythology as Midgard. I would sugjest to read and re read the life, wonderings and battles of the God THOR, before you make the film. Both the Thunder God and needs to be shown complete respect as well as those that are of the Asatru and other pagan traditions, that are well known all over the world.

Posted by: Joseph THOR Bartolo at June 8, 2005 01:10 PM


Posted by: KILJAEDEN at June 18, 2005 02:02 AM

Hail all you Thor, Odin and Norse mythology fans out there.

If you take a look at you will discover a real Norse fantasy project without spandex in the style of LOTR based on our bestselling trilogy out of Denmark (Home of the real Vikings and Asgard) Thor and Odin's real home and not made up by Marvel but from a real Danish Viking author:Lars Henrik Olsen.
This project is in serious development and about to be produced and the trilogy published worldwide.Its already in 10 countries and comming your way.

Great ideas for Thor by the way, W.Kulich and Gunther are good bids for Thor.

Would like to have your comments on this.

Best Valhalla regards

Posted by: Producer Uffe Ziemelis at July 15, 2005 01:06 AM

I've been a huge Thor fan since I was 10 and have very high hopes for this movie. While I do like the guy from 13th Warrior I would say its best to cast a talented unknown. Who cares if a guy is 6'6" and 300lbs so long as he can act. That's what movies are about, illusion. Sly Stallone is like 4'10" right?

If on the other hand you guys are seriously promoting wrestlers as Thor then you're complete morons. You CANNOT (!!!) request a serious Thor movie and cast a wrestler! Doing so would be an f-ing farce. Period.

As far as casting the Rock...WHAT?! The guy is half samoan and half black. I know it's a multicultural society and all but when did Odin change his name to Jamal, start eating poi, and hook up with a Samoan chick? Let's cast Samuel L. Jackson while we're at it, he at least knows how to deliver a line.

Posted by: Sigismund at July 26, 2005 09:50 PM

Vladimir Kulich can be perfect, if they get his ass in the gym. Samuel L. Jackson that's funny!

Posted by: shark at July 28, 2005 07:54 PM

If they do a Thor movie they need to do it right. Not like that Hulk movie which was a big disappointment the Elektra movie was better and i'm not even the least bit an Elektra comic fan.
Possibilities here are to go more Mythical like Clash of the Titans and Lord of the Rings, or Scifi like Star Gate Sg1 (but not like there Thor character a skinny alien) However Thor could be an alien with advanced Science an Electromagnetic Engineer,Eeleectron magnetic device (hammer) control gloves to control it. Power suit with belt that is power supply therefore is belt of strength. Odin a life support system Engineer, also has device over eye and ear that allows him to communicate with satelites and other people and see and hear what they are doing. Heimdale in charge of rainbow bridge a teleportating device and also satelites and relays to observe the various planets and sectors of space. Balder laser and light specialist along with security defensive equipment. midgard serpent a biocomputer system that incircles the world. Utgard Loki could use holograms or bioconnected systems(connected to bodies nervous system) to do illusions. Loki has bioengineered flesh that can alter it's form to allow him to disguse.

Posted by: avion at August 7, 2005 07:51 PM

They need to do it right not hurry it out like Cat Woman which in some ways was good but had no resemblance to the comic character, it also lacked an interesting villian they had Sharon Stone and could have done more with her, to make her an intriguing villian. The rest of the villians were almost completely forgetable.

Posted by: avion at August 7, 2005 07:59 PM

i am also named thor and when i saw this web page i freaked out because thier actually making a Thor movie ive benn waiting such a long time for this.Oh and I also think Vladimir Kulich would do a terrific job in the movie.And by the way does anybody know when its going to be in the theatres?

Posted by: Thor Murphy at August 18, 2005 05:33 PM

I've been an avid die hard collector of The Mighty Thor for over 20 years now. And the thought of a movie being done on him is something I've been waiting for a long time. But I agree with many of you out there if it's going to be done it needs to be done right and with the right cast. Or not done at all! Without a doubt a Lord of the Rings scale type movie is warranted to do this with all the computer graphics and special effects to bring dwarves, elves, giants, trolls, demons, and gods to life (not to mention any other creature of the mythos). One other thing please please stick to the comic not deviate like they did with Spiderman and his webbing. How stupid was that?!? His skin doesn't secrete the webs. Peter Parker's a scientist and he made cartridges with web fluid in them. Do it right so we longtime fans can really appreciate it. This has potential to be a real classic. Anyway hope the rumors are true and do the damn thing properly. Don't go making Donald Blake an Indonesian immigrant that's a janitor for a living.

Posted by: Manny at August 18, 2005 08:04 PM

Yo, guys i have been a marvel fan for over 20 years and my favorite was thor. if you ask i me i think the guy who played Borimer in the lord of the rings movies should be thor. But right now i am wondering who will play loki and odin.

Posted by: Marvel Fan at August 27, 2005 08:29 PM

i fell you Manny. i know what your sayin.

Posted by: marvel fan at August 27, 2005 08:32 PM

Karl Urban from lotr would be an excellent choice. a few months in the gym to build him up would be essential. i don't think muscles should outweigh acting and the ability to carry out a role from a dramatic point of view. the depiction of thor in the hulk tv movie was dreadful. an occasional moment of comic relief would be fine, but thor should not be a mindless dolt.

Posted by: cameron at September 10, 2005 04:53 PM

I have a nephew named Thor and I have always enjoyed reading Marvel and Norse mythology. of course my fav, is thor and think, like you do that they need to keep true to story and character. while i love The Rock, i agree that because of his ethnicity that he wouldn't make the cut. however if someone can be foundto nplay the part right then it doesn't matter their height or hair color as hollywood can change both pretty easily.

Posted by: ahnah74 at September 14, 2005 03:08 PM