December 25, 2004

The Nit Picker's Guide to the Lord of the Rings

Holy smokes! for any of you out there who are fans of both the film and book versions of Lord of the Rings, you really need to take a peek at "The Nit Picker's Guide to the Lord of the Rings". The guy there has compiled a list of the discrepancies between Peter Jackson's films and the books. It's actually quite a fun read. You can read it here.

Posted by John Campea at December 25, 2004 09:45 PM


This would have been a quite nice guide, if he had omitted his own judgements about the changes in the script, as compared to the books - especially since most of the things he complained about would have been between bad and impossible not to change for the films.

Posted by: Bj�rn Lindstr�m at December 26, 2004 01:22 AM

I dont mind Jackson not including some of the bits from the books, it wouldnt just be possible to be such a stickler for details with the material, but to twist the storyline, now that is really unforgivable. The biggest insult of all was of course breaking up the friendship of Frodo and Sam just to generate some drama, as if the whole journey to Mordor wasnt dramatic enough.

Posted by: Simone at December 30, 2004 07:30 PM

Quite true. With the complex plots happening everywhere, the movie really didn't need that. Besides, the only thing it accomplished was to make the fans angry. My friends and I often fastforward that scene, despite the good acting in it. Either that, or we yell at the screen about how it is uncanonical and therefore should be taken out and shot (or something to that effect).

Posted by: Narloth` at February 19, 2005 06:21 AM