December 23, 2004

The Longest Yard Trailer

Longest-Yard.jpgI remember watching the original "Longest Yard" a few years ago on some network tv station. It was a man's man movie, and Burt Reynolds was THE man. It was a pretty fun movie, and it came as no surprise when I heard that a remake was coming our way.

So here it is folks, in all of it's re-make goodness. Personally I'm not all that impressed, but it's not too bad and does have potential. If you want to take a peak at the trailer you can go here.

Posted by John Campea at December 23, 2004 05:54 AM


Meh. I'll rent the original.

Though I will say this ... good to see Goldberg getting work.

Posted by: Greg at December 23, 2004 08:23 AM

I loved the original, Reynolds was superb in it and it's good to see him back in something too.

However, Sandler and Rock (as in Chris)? Mmmm...not the best casting in my mind.

Posted by: Richard at December 23, 2004 03:19 PM

Can't say it looks very worthwhile to me. The dialogue all seems to be the cocky, smart-ass variety that's really tedious to sit through. Looks like Burt is going to play the Nate Scarborough role, which is kind of cool. Other than that, the casting and tone seems wrong to me.

Posted by: Midgard at December 23, 2004 04:12 PM

PEAK = Top of a mountain, absolute best; e.g. "He's in peak condition."

PEEK = To glance, to sneak a look at; e.g. "Take a peek at this trailer."

PIQUE = To provoke or arouse; e.g. "This movie piques my curiosity." or "The star ran to the trailer in a fit of pique."

Homonyms. Learn them. Use the right ones. It's the law.


Posted by: homonym fascist at December 24, 2004 02:21 AM


Posted by: sara at January 9, 2005 02:55 PM

i believe that this is really funny for youger veiwers but for the old bags that have seen the first one let me just say this its the 21st century and the old bad jokes that you people use to get is over and you can complain all you like about this movie but people are not going to care what you think there going to see this movie for themselves and if they hate it thats there problem but if they like it thats great so it really shouldn't matter what anybody says because everybody has the own opinion

Posted by: jacqlyn at January 24, 2005 04:53 AM