December 02, 2004

The Fog remake finds a Director

TheFog.jpgLooks like it's getting foggy out folks. Rupert Wainwright has been announced through Yahoo news to be the Director for the Fog remake. In the article, Debra Hill says:

"John laid the groundwork for a very classy, scary movie, and Rupert came in with a take that honors the original but builds on it and stamps it as his own," said Hill, who was Carpenter's longtime partner. "For us as filmmakers, the opportunity to use special effects to enhance the fog and make it an actual character in the film is very appealing."

Apparently John Carpenter and Hill saw Wainwright's Stigmata (not literally, I mean the film!) and thought this was their man. Shame, if they'd checked his IMDB listing they would have seen mention of an opposing thought, Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em, which carries the amazing blurb:

MC Hammer returns to his hometown and, with the help of some funky tunes, defeats a druglord who is using kids to traffic his stuff.

Mind you the user comments are funny!

Posted by Richard Brunton at December 2, 2004 05:16 AM
