December 08, 2004

Talk begins of an Alien 5

Alien.jpgEveryone sing hallelujah and praise a belly full of Alien eggs. There is good news to all fans of Aliens (and Predators) everywhere. Dark Horizons captured my eye with the covering of this interview from Now Playing Magazine with Paul W. S. Anderson. Let me leap in:

With the success of "Alien Vs. Predator"...

...and let me leap right back out again and shout what?!. The success, well I guess if Fox could perceive the success as being something that sorely pisses off the Alien and Predator fans immensely, then perhaps it is successful. Oh, and while I'm being sarcastic and complaining - STOP SHOWING THE ENDINGS OF MOVIES IN TRAILERS!.

Back to reality. Rumours have been bounding around that Mr P.W.S.A. is scripting the next Alien - Oh lord help me now - but wait, Mr PWSA speaks.

"That's not a reality. I've heard that. I've been doing press lately for AvP and a lot of people said that. I don't know where that came from. It's not something I've been approached about."

YES! I think I believe again. He continues rambling and back peddling:

In fact he doesn't want AvP to be considered as a fifth "Alien" or third "Predator" movie - "I would hope [it's not looked at that way], because it's a prequel anyway, so it doesn't even take place in the same timeline as the Sigourney Weaver film. You know, when I did AvP, it was very much that I felt like I was making a standalone film that wouldn't interfere with an Alien 5 or a Predator 3, which are both movies that I would like to see."

Good on him. Now that we're dishing out good news, may I continue? So there's possibly another Alien movie on the go. Oh, wouldn't it be good to get some confirmation. FilmForce provide us with that very information, well close to it. In an interview with the gorgeously sexy Sigourney Weaver, they talk to her of a possible Alien movie, and her response is quite promising.

"Ridley Scott and I have talked about doing one more where we go back to the original planet and see what these creatures came out of. But, I think that it would be probably unlikely that a major studio would go for it, only because one of the lead characters would be a fifty-five-year-old woman. I don't think the audience would care at all, because I don't think we're as ageist as the business is...

Was it just me or was she incredibly hot in Alien: Resurrection? No problem with her age, I would be only too happy to see her in a home movie...I mean in a movie.

She goes on to say that Fox would have to push this since they currently own the rights, but that Ridley might have to...

...stamp his foot a few times...

Elucidating somewhat she says that they might not get a big budget for it, although that might not be a problem as it wouldn't take a lot of money, you just have to think about it. Sensible woman, and quite astute.

So, cutting through all of this, where are we with the possibility of a new Alien movie? Well Weaver is keen and it would be crucial to get her onboard, if not to bring back a little bit of the credibility of the series and recover it before it's remembered for AvP as the swan song. She's also talked with Scott on a number of occasions about it, and there are a few interviews where this same thing has come up. Now if Fox think it has been successful to churn out the last piece of Alien slime, then perhaps they would be keen to do another.

Mr Scott, get foot stamping, please. Do you think it's a possibility? Want it to happen? What do you think on the idea of getting Weaver back on board?

Posted by at December 8, 2004 12:51 PM


Good notice!!

Posted by: Marco at December 10, 2004 04:03 PM

I think an Alien 5 movie would be awesome. I heard awesome rummors for two more movies to finish off the series with. I began to write an Alien 5 script that I think will be very good for the franchise and bring it back after what last Alien movie did to it. I have an idea that takes place on a dieing earth and Ripley's daughter is in it. Hicks and Newt are in it as well I think it's got great promise I would like to send it in to fox but i'm not sure if they'll go for it. Anyone want to know my idea and story give me an email.

Posted by: Chris at December 13, 2004 01:43 PM

Alien and Aliens were the best in the series, since then everything has gone to pot. Alien 3 sucked because it trashed everything Aliens acomplished. Alien Res. was cool although not as great as the first two but, I have to give some credit to Joss, he tried really hard and I am a Buffy fan as well as a Alien fan. I like Sig.'s idea of putting Ridley and Cameron on board and going back to the thrill of the lst film. It honestly scared the crap out of me when I saw it and now I feel that they've gone and lost the fear factor that made it so great. I mean look at AVP entertaining ok but, the only reason my friends and I saw it was because we heard that it's sucess would mean Alien 5. Ridley, Cameron, Please save this series, Let it go out on top again!

Posted by: Chrissy at January 4, 2005 09:23 AM

i have just watched all the alien movies on DVD (sore eyes)

but I think Alien 3 gets a bad rap. I though it was a great movie. Dark and nasty. Good duality where the alien burst from the dog as the bodies of the humans are dropped into the furnace.

I watched Aliens and was less than impressed with the dodgy speacial effects on some scenes (especially the drop ship crash). Ok it rocks for action but hicks really P1$$ed me off with his complaining. Anyway just my thoughts. As for Alien 5 - should be dark and intense like NO1

Posted by: wahee at March 18, 2005 05:21 PM

alien 3 to me was a perfect and essenitial to the series as it showed ripley ina different environment than usual with big guns and all..i think it was great and after the first is my favourite...i dont know why people hate it when there are no big guns or explosions in sci fis....alien 3 was good, very very good. the drama was necessary..

Posted by: alaba at March 30, 2005 01:30 PM

I agree, I think it got a lot of bad press at the time because it "wasn't the mould", well it's only when that mould is broken that something good can happen, and that continued with the next Alien movie. It's the kind of film that deserves a second or third viewing, and then you grow to appreciate it.

I would love to see another one made, and a final outing for the gorgeous Ripley.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 30, 2005 02:43 PM

Yeah Alien 3 is great, I suppose after Aliens people didnt expect something so dark. Alien 5 is going to be great, especially if Ridley does it. Not so sure about Ripley having a big role in it though.... how would it fit in? I didnt like her in Alien R

Posted by: claire at April 3, 2005 12:25 PM

I thought Ripley was a well constructed character in Resurrection, being part alien and all, kinda gave her an edge that set her apart from the 'other' Ripley.
I've personally liked all the four Alien films, as they are all quite different. Alien - Dark and spooky, Aliens - Violent and action packed, Alien 3 - Atmospheric and tragic, and Alien: Resurrection - Strange but emotive.
Alien 5 really needs to have a unique script. But great news that Ridley Scott and James Cameron are considering doing it!

Posted by: Russ C at April 7, 2005 03:32 PM

If they make Alien 5, I think Ripley should only be a video reference. I think it should be done with Cameron's writing and Scott directing...Alien 3 was good because it brought Alien back to closed spaces...Alien R was good up until they redesigned the charactor. The Alien lost it's shown in AVP...also idea for AVP2...Why not use the begining of Alien as the end of AVP2? I think that would be a good thing.

Posted by: Brian at April 12, 2005 05:03 PM

i believe aliens should have a prequel, to explain the origin of the bug aond without sigourney,they should put an adult carrie henn as first actress

Posted by: ghostkiller at June 8, 2005 12:53 PM

Well im a huge alien fan I love alien the legacy. I very much dislike predator I think its to predictable. Their is only one thing i dislike about aliens the movie. Well in the final battle between the queen and sig i mean sig dominated and made it look corny.In alien 5 have the aliens dominate for a change.

Posted by: Matt at August 4, 2005 01:15 AM

First off, the Alien legacy, with the exception of Alien Res., is one of the best franchises ever created. The first 3 movies were just awesome...they had an awesome plot and good acting. The whole premise of the Alien movies was to scare the nutts out of you...which they did (the first 3). Alien Res. and AvP both lacked that key ingrediant. Niether was scary...they were just corny. For as powerful the Aliens are and how fast they can reproduce...why havent we seen a world completely overrun where they are kicking ass. With Scott and Cameron both on the project, the franchise is guaranteed to come back alive...but no one else will be able to do it. However...another Sigourney movie...come on...I love her in the first 3, and she is the best actress in the movies hands down...but her time is done and gone. That is what made Res. so stupid. Can't they think of anything else...i mean...look at how many comic books they can script from. To revive this franchise, there needs to be a new story with new characters...and put a whole hell of a lot more emphasis on the aliens.

Posted by: Mecho [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 4, 2005 04:03 PM

Please do me a favor and make an alien 5 it would turn the world. That movie would make so much money people would go out of their way to see this. People would love to see the turn out.

Posted by: matt at August 15, 2005 07:18 PM

bring on alien 5 it would be great for one ripley did not wipe out the entire alien nest the ship came from a planet right

Posted by: jared at August 28, 2005 12:53 PM

i'll have to agree with chrissy about alien 3, that movie began the slow destruction of the alien series. first, the movie obliterated the character development of the second movie within the first five minutes! second, the camera work was shabby... the chase scenes were too chaotic to tell what was exactly happening, which is very unlike ridley scott's original film. third, the film wasn't nearly as horrifying as the first two (this is where i think aliens gets a bad rap... everyone always sees the second film as an action flick--while there is a lot of action, cameron took a lot of effort to keep the element of horror in the film. this is especially evident in the director's cut, which has an extra half hour of footage). fourth, the movie started the idea that the aliens take traits from their host (which i think is really lame! the "dog" alien in the third film was definitely not as scary as full-sized aliens. plus it raises an insane amount of questions, for instance, do aliens that come from different hosts see each other as the same "kind" of alien? would the "dog" alien really see the "human" alien queen as the same as itself? i just think that idea makes the alien creatures a bit corny) the only good thing that alien 3 did was keep the same technological theme as in the previous movies. and alien 4 was just total crap. i don't think i really have to explain... it was just really corny, and served mainly as a gross-out film. plus, they changed the way the aliens sound... they removed the scary hissing sound and replaced it with the sound of a lion roar! that's definitely NOT scary, at all. who's lame-ass idea was that? that alone ruined the whole movie for me, and it may infect the series (AvP had this same flaw). did anyone else notice this?

but enough of my rant on pervious alien films... i do think that an alien 5 would rock, only if done correctly. with scott or cameron on the project (or both!) then we may have something worth viewing. otherwise it could be another alien 3/4 crap-fest. i always had an idea for another alien film that would combine both of the greatest elements of the first two films. how about a return to lv426... but not after the thermal nuclear explosion, before! even before the marines reach the planet in the second film. we could watch the aliens slaughter all the colonists... there'd be some good action as well as a hell of a lot of fear in the film. it'd be a great apocalytic, "no survivor" film. i've heard the idea of the aliens making it to earth and overruning the planet... although the idea sounds cool (and i'm sure i would enjoy it) i think it would be more interesting to explain the beginnings of the alien species, like where they came from and how they got to lv426, etc. that would also make for a great ending to the series.

Posted by: rob at September 7, 2005 03:22 PM

I'v seen them, I have them all etc.. We are all waiingt since too long for that fifth Alien movie. Of course using Scott or Cameron as director would be great. But great directors together does not mean a great film. Personnaly, I prefer Ridley Scott. Cameron is a director of «big movies» and knows how to shoot, but Scott is by far a more «perspicacious» creator. Adding to that, it would be nice to close the serie by its initial director... and the great Sigourney. Of course, the main problem is the scenario. Does it has to take place after the fourth one on devasted earth or getting back to the alien nest... As long as it not as «simple» as AVP...

Posted by: Jean at September 10, 2005 04:13 PM

I'll tell u guys one thing and that is, is that Alein and Aleins kick-ass all over and that number 3 is shit! Resurrection aint that bad, bit muddeled up by the story line at the end with that ugly mother-fuckin white alien lookin thing! Whow shit! that thing was messed up! and sigourney weaver was a hottie but now she's just foul as with grey hair and all that so dog her outa Alien 5 when its realesed and get some other "out there" chick to do it instead of Ripley.

Fuck ya's! Mike Lawrey

Posted by: Champ at October 8, 2005 07:27 AM

Pair up Weaver with a young cast(or a balanced mix).She is the older alien hunter
teaching the younger generation how to survive in a very dangerous universe.She has to neutralize the alien threat once and for all,else
her species will not survive.It is them or us and Ripley gives us the edge(maturity and experience).

Weaver's generation has the bucks in the real world so they would pay to
see a movie showing how one generation teaches the next the necessary survival skills in what may be a real life scenario in the future.

These things can't be eliminated,they are like the dark side of nature,like dark matter....essential.The best humanity can hope to do is fend them off,survive,and live to fight another day.


Posted by: LOU at October 9, 2005 09:16 AM