December 10, 2004

Snoop Dogg and Alec Baldwin play coach

SnoopDogg.jpgAs studio's do, there will be two sport coaching movies in development at the same time. One is starring the great Alec Baldwin by...

...playing the coach of a basketball team in Street for upcoming director Michael Shapiro. The story follows a group of 'street' basketball players who are recruited to play for an NBA team after the owner is forced to slash player salaries.

The other with Snoop Dogg is an ambitious and amazing true life story of...

Snoop Dogg as the coach of his son's youth league football team. 20th Century Fox outbid Paramount and Columbia in a seven-figure deal for the rights to his story of guiding the Rowland Heights Raiders to victory in the Orange County Junior All-American Football League. With his son playing quarterback, the team finished undefeated in 13 games.

Interesting. According to the BBC:

The project was inspired by a Los Angeles Times profile of the sometime rapper and is now being developed as an inspirational comedy depicting Dogg as an overworked hip-hop star who learns to put the kids first.

Nice, just perfect for the lovely Gangsta' songster. Ahem.

In my mind you could never beat Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper in Hoosiers. Fantastic movie!

Posted by Richard Brunton at December 10, 2004 10:24 AM


As studio's do, there will be two basketball coaching movies in development at the same time. is basketball, the other is football. Two entirely different and unrelated sports.

Posted by: Ben at December 10, 2004 12:37 PM

You are totally right, and I shall amend accordingly - apologies.

Hangover is actually affecting me more than I thought! :)

Posted by: Richard at December 10, 2004 12:47 PM


Posted by: Richard at December 10, 2004 12:51 PM

"In my mind you could never beat Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper in Hoosiers."
You'r absolutly right. Snoop as an actor is just ridiculous.

Posted by: Peter at December 13, 2004 06:57 AM

732 hey hey

Posted by: online sports betting at December 29, 2004 03:48 PM