December 15, 2004

Sean Bean, Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson in The Island

Ewan7.jpgUsually the only films that get you excited even before they're in production are sequels or adaptations from books, comics or previous films. But once in a while you hear about a project and say "damn that sounds like a good idea". That's my reaction to Michael Bay's new project The Island.

It's quite a cast they've assembled for this little flick too. You've got Sean Bean, Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson, Steve Buscemi and Michael Clarke Duncan... all of which I like. The only down part for me is that like National Treasure, Sean Bean is relegated to the role of Antagonist... someone really needs to give him a lead one of these days.

The good folks over at Coming Soon give us this little description of the project:

In the futuristic action thriller, Lincoln Six-Echo (McGregor) is a resident of a seemingly utopian but contained facility in the mid-21st century. Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully controlled environment, Lincoln hopes to be chosen to go to the "The Island"—reportedly the last uncontaminated spot on the planet. But Lincoln soon discovers that everything about his existence is a lie. He and all of the other inhabitants of the facility are actually human clones whose only purpose is to provide "spare parts" for their original human counterparts. Realizing it is only a matter of time before he is "harvested," Lincoln makes a daring escape with a beautiful fellow resident named Jordan Two-Delta (Johansson). Relentlessly pursued by the forces of the sinister institute that once housed them, Lincoln and Jordan engage in a race for their lives to literally meet their makers.
I think that sounds cool.

Posted by John Campea at December 15, 2004 07:23 AM


Thought you might pick that story up John, and glad to see the Sean Bean comment in there again. I am so with you on that one, he is such a talent. If you have seen the Sharpe's series, he's awesome in that role.

I tell you what thought, after reading that blurb I think it's well beyond cool. The plot premise is superb! Just reading it I didn't see the idea coming that they were clones. Superb plot idea.

Posted by: Richard at December 15, 2004 07:33 AM

Great cast! Hopefully Bay can pull it together as a great film.

I agree wholeheartedly about Sean Bean deserving a leading "good guy" role. If he hadn't already played 006 in Goldeneye, he would be a great Bond.

Also, I think that Ewan MacGregor is one of the most talented actors out there today. Look at his body of work and the range that he can cover and it becomes clear.

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at December 15, 2004 08:23 AM

Hmmm. Logan's Run + Coma + The Prisoner + The Matrix + The Truman Show + The Village + about a gazillion other sci-fi novels, short stories and Twilight Zone episodes = excuse for Michael Bay to TOTALLY BLOW SHIT UP!!!!

It's a nifty enough plot - at the risk of sounding like Lord Kelvin, every possible sci-fi plot has already been thought of, so originality isn't too much of a problem. But I don't see any indication that it'll be anything other than, well, a Michael Bay film. The cast are good, but none of them's a guarantee of quality - each one of them has shown they're quite willing to appear in very pants films for a nice paycheck.

Posted by: tom at December 15, 2004 09:02 AM

This plot sounds unsettlingly close to that of "Parts: The Clonus Horror," a late-seventies sci-fi film that was rightfully skewered on MST3K. Bay will have to make an exceptional film to get the taste of that stinker out of my mouth.

Posted by: Scott at December 15, 2004 10:05 AM

I agree, its about time Sean Bean is given his leading role. Sean Bean took the part in LOTR to get away from playing villains. He is used to playing heroes on TV (noticeably Sharpe) but always seems to be cast as villains in Hollywood. (e.g. Goldeneye and Patriot Games)

Posted by: Simone at December 15, 2004 11:38 AM

Come on. Logan�s Run + THX 1138 + The Truman Show (good call tom)....

Why doesn't anyone else notice this? I mean, we the ones who follow the news and take the time to think get it, but why oh god why don't the people involved?

Naming the lead 'Logan Six-Echo' when Logan's run was named 'Logan 5'??

The whole pill scene from the beginning of the script? With 'Jordan Two-Delta' and 'Logan Six-Echo' re-enacting the beginning scene from THX 1138 between 'THX' and 'LUH'?

I'll still go see it anyway.

Posted by: liz at December 16, 2004 04:08 PM

For those of you interested in Sean Bean in a leading role Check out the BBC production of Bernard Cornwell's "Sharpe's" series.

Posted by: Mickey at January 11, 2005 04:49 PM

I just saw the trailer and this is the biggest Logan's Run rip off I've ever seen. When the inhabitants get together and go through the "carousel" type name reading on who goes to the island? Come on. And I think there's a little Body Snatchers in here as well.

Posted by: Chachi at May 20, 2005 11:41 AM

The lead in The Island is Lincoln-6-Echo vs. Logan-5..."The Island" is "Sanctuary" and their lottery for getting on the island is just like LR's "Renewal" process. This is a Logan's Run rip-off plus a clone twist somewhat similar to Blade Runner (human clones instead of pseudo-humans).

Posted by: Superuser at July 9, 2005 10:03 PM

Yes, just saw the trailer, first thing I thought was, "oh they're remaking Logan's Run," and then I thought, "oh no, that's why star wars took so long to come out, Lucas was redoing THX 1138," and then I realised, "oh ok, someone's just combined a couple of old films and made a new one..." fair enough...

Posted by: Myles at July 11, 2005 12:28 PM

Shame on you all, think you know movies? it is a remake of Parts: The Clonus Horror. Which is oooollldddd! Personally, I loved The Island, it may not be horribly original, but what a great story.
It was written for the screen loads better than the movies it has been compared to.
Since when was Logan's Run such a good movie that you are all so upset?!
I mean finally someone did a clone conspiracy movie when we actually KNOW things about clones and technology(not enough to make it happen).
Logan's Run and the like are all laughable, stories about a concept that wasn't understood in the least. This is the most realistic future I have seen in a movie.
I really didn't let the product placement get to me. I took it satirically, mostly because the movie was about getting away from all of that and being happy being human and free. No one better than Ewan and Scarlett for this.

Posted by: joe at August 8, 2005 06:35 PM